Seasons in Symphony

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In the garden of our youth, where dreams took root in the light,
We planted seeds of tender love, beneath the stars so bright.
Hand in hand, we watched them sprout, through seasons of sun and rain,
Our love, a sapling standing stout, in joy and through the pain.

From the soil of trust, our love has grown, a sturdy tree it stands,
With roots entwined, we've faced the storms, together, hand in hand.
The leaves may fall, the flowers may fade, but our tree remains evergreen,
Through winter's chill and summer's shade, the strongest love that's ever been.

And as we climb this tree of life, with memories we've sown,
We find our hearts in unison, in a love that's fully grown.

Growing up our love, like branches reaching high,
Through the winds of change, under the endless sky.
With every leaf that blooms, with every passing year,
Our love grows deeper, conquering every fear.

So here's to us, to you and me, to the love that we've embraced,
May it flourish and forever be, in the garden of grace.

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