New home

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Arias pov

It was the morning of my moving to Madrid with Jude and I couldn't wait today opened a new chapter for me and Jude

I heard the alarm blaring through the hotel room and I hid my body into Jude's side as he did the same and placed his other hand over me and we sat there after the alarm stopped

After a minute of silence Jude then spoke "morning angel" Jude said in his raspy morning voice that made me weak in the knees everything about him is so attractive I was the luckiest girl

"Morning baby" I said into his chest

"I can't wait for today this time tomorrow we will be in Madrid together" he said as I felt the smile he radiated on my head making me have the biggest smile at the thought of being together

"Ik same I can't wait for this new chapter together" I said

"Wouldn't want to do this with anyone else" he said pecking my forehead

"Neither would I" I said smiling at my man

After me and Jude showered together and got ourself ready I was all of a sudden at the airport with my hand untwined with Jude's as we were walking to the gate where everything will change we turned around to Oakley,Toby,Imogen,saff and Ellie

I went to hug Imogen and the other girls as we were teary eyed and I latched onto Imogen the tightest I was going to miss them all so much

I saw Jude with the boys having bro hugs I was a bit dramatic as we were coming back soon for England games

I went over to the boys and gave them hugs and Oakley and Toby weren't ones to cry much but with me and Jude leaving they were definitely sad as a tear escaped their eyes I know Jude had too but he wouldn't tell me

Jude hugged the girls and then we both went back to each other as Jude flew an arm around my shoulders as we heard our gate number called singling we had to leave we said goodbye and me and Jude went to the plane

Once we were on the plane I was sat next to the window as Jude didn't want me to sit next to a stranger incase they were a weirdo which I found sweet Jude placed his warm hand in my thigh rubbing it as he placed my head on his shoulder as he began rubbing my thigh again

As we took off me and Jude began watching a movie on Jude's iPad as I tried to curl up as I was a bit cold due to air conditioning when Jude took the arm test up and pulled me closer he realised I was still a bit cold and pulled on of my favourite jumpers of his out of his bag and gave it to me as I got a wif of his cologne and being enveloped in the comfort I fell asleep

Jude pov

As we were in the plane I felt all warm feeling in my chest seeing aria huddled up to me drowned in my jumper and asleep peacefully I couldn't wait to wake up to her all the time and have her at the house all the time and get hugs and kisses whenever I want

I soon drifted off my head on arias and woke up with 10 minutes till we landed I put everything away so I was ready to leave I softly woke aria up and we left the plane as I kept an arm around her because when she was sleepy she was even more affectionate with physical touch that and words of affirmation were her love language same for me 

We soon got arias suitcase and the rest of her things were an hour away from my house so if was quite handy

I took arias suitcase much to her dismay and we headed to the car I ordered to pick us up before I left

"I can't believe I am officially living here" aria said lowley from my shoulder

"Me either I am so happy your here with me it's going to be amazing" i said excitedly at the thought of what my new life would be like

It was now 6 in Madrid and we got to my house and I took her bags and we went into the house when I placed the bags at the door and turned to aria she looked amazed at the house I may have added things that she loves or would have suggested to give it her touch atleast till she could herself I wanted her to be able to contribute to the house so I held of decorating so we could feel like we decorate together

" do you like it baby" I said to her as I hugged her tight

" ofc it's amazing Amore" she said in awe

I took her on the tour as the garden was officially finished now when you walked out there was a deck we ith a fire pit with lots of seats and a huge pool a football area and more land to add whatever we wanted

It had 8 rooms and 8 bathrooms and walk in wardrobes plus it was double the size as half is mine half is arias and there was a cinema room and s gym and gaming room where I put the ps5 and stuff

After the tour was over we came back to the living room and me and aria just sat cuddled up together soaking in the feeling of being together that we missed

We decided to watch a fast and furious movie we were onto fast x now and we well when I say that I mean she fell asleep so I stopped the movie do we could watch it another time and I picked her up and took her to my room and got her into bed and I put her weird girly products like skincare in the bathroom for the morning and put it on her sink and she could put it in the places she needed them this is why I loved tho because we had a his and hers sink

I got into bed wrapping an arm around aria and dozed of with my girl in my arms

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