Sister time

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A/n: Alastor and Andria's ship name is Andralastor ( credit to lotrisawesome ) Credit to this chapter to @allura_887

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A/n: Alastor and Andria's ship name is Andralastor ( credit to lotrisawesome ) Credit to this chapter to @allura_887.

Andria lay awake. She stared up at the  ceiling of her and Alastor's room. Her head laid on Alastor's bare chest ( no, there was no bow chika bow bow😑) ,who was still sound asleep. She hadn't slept a wink last night. Too many thoughts about what could happen during the pregnancy. There were so many things that could go wrong. The hellish sun shone onto the ceiling of the room. She'd stayed up until morning. She wanted to wake Alastor. She wanted to talk to him, so he could give her some sort of comfort, but she would feel guilty. Alastor, usually, hardly slept at all, so, to her, it was good that he was finally getting some sleep. She didn't want to take that away from him because of her silly anxieties. She let out a heavy sigh as she glanced over to her alarm clock next to her bed. 6:30 am it read. She continued to stare at the ceiling for what felt like hours until she felt a stir underneath her head. She looked up and saw Alastor open his crimson eyes. Alastor looked down at his tired love, it was unusual for her to be awake this early, especially on a weekend, "Darling, are you okay ? It's unlike you to be awake this early."

"It's nothing, Al, I'm just...thinking."

Alastor's eyes softened, he knew something was on her mind, "My doe, you can tell me what troubled thoughts would dare plague your mind. I assure you, I'm here to listen. After all that's one of the reasons why I'm marrying you." Alastor reminded her.

For a very brief moment, there was a ghost of a smile that graced her tired features, she sighed knowing he was right, "It's just...I was up all night thinking about things that could go wrong during the pregnancy or the birth. What if...what if the baby and I die duri—,"

Alastor cut her off by placing a passionate and tender kiss on her lips, not allowing her to finish that vile sentence, "Don't you ever think something like that, my darling. I would never let anything happen to you or our fawn. And I don't anyone else her would either."

Andria smiled up at Alastor as she giggled slightly, "Our fawn ?" She repeated.

"Yes. Our fawn. I thought it would be quite fitting considering I take the form of a stag and you are my precious little doe." Alastor explained.

"I suppose it does fit" Andria said with a content sigh.

"I suppose we should get dressed so we can tell the others about our little fawn. Même si je préfère voir tes vêtements pat terre." (Translation; although I'd prefer to see your clothes on the floor.)

Andria blushed heavily. Alastor had taught her some French so she understood what he was saying. "Alastor !" She gasped as she hit his bare chest.

Alastor chuckled, "What ? It's the truth."

"It doesn't matter. Come on, pervert, let's get dressed." They took a shower and headed down stairs where everyone already was.

Charlie was the first to notice them, "Oh, hey guys, how'd you sleep ?" Charlie asked Andria and Alastor, making everyone else aware of their presence.

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