Post Graduation- Chapter 1: The Horikita Family

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kiyotaka and Suzune were heading to a cafe.

Kiyotaka- I'm really meeting her parents.

They arrive to see a 47-year-old man. He seemed quite distinguished and confident. There was also a 45-year-old woman. She was very beautiful. Kiyotaka's thought was "So that's where Suzu gets it from".

Kiyotaka sits down as Suzune sits down next to him.

Kiyotaka: It's nice to meet you Mr. Horikita.

Kiyotaka extends his hand to him as the man sips his drink and then puts it down shaking Kiyotaka's hand.

Mr. Horikita: Hm. You seem quite polite at least.

Mrs. Horikita: Don't be so rude darling!

Mr. Horikita: So how did you meet him?

Suzune: We met on the bus on the way to school.

Mrs. Horikita: Love at first sight was it. Heh heh.

Suzune: Mother!

Kiyotaka: That's correct for me.

Mrs. Horikita: Oh my.

Suzune: Kiyotaka what are you saying all of...

Mr. Horikita: Do you really love my daughter? I mean look at his blank expression.

Mrs. Horikita: Taechi! You know from the news... I mean. I'm sorry.

Kiyotaka: It's fine. I don't mind. I was trained not to let things like that bother me.

The parents feel a bit uncomfortable at this statement.

Mrs. Horikita: Though he said it rudely I also wonder.

Kiyotaka smiles.

Kiyotaka: I love her. She was the first person in the world I valued more than myself.

The parents were worried about this fact.

Mr. Horikita: If I asked you to die for her right now. What would you do?

Suzune: Father! Why would you?

Mr. Horikita: Taechi!

Kiyotaka: That's fine by me.

Suzune: Kiyotaka!

Kiyotaka: But if that ever does become necessary I'd like to ask you to take care of my younger sister.

Suzune: Kiyotaka. Don't just talk about stuff like that! As for you father, I'm very angry at you right now!

Mr. Horikita: You were dead serious. It seems I can trust you then.

Kiyotaka: Of course. I'm not the type to make bluffs.

Mr. Horikita: How much do you need to settle down properly? I can't have my girl living in the streets like some homeless person.

Kiyotaka: I currently have 35, 000, 000 yen. We could buy a nice house with it but we'd have to sleep on the floor and we also wouldn't have money for food or electricity.

Mr. Horikita: I see. I'll lend you 10, 000, 000 for now. You can pay me back whenever you can.

Suzune- My father is usually so stubborn. I'm glad he's taken a liking to Kiyotaka.

Mrs. Horikita: Kiyotaka-Chan. Are you sure you're okay considering the childhood you had?

Kiyotaka: At first I wasn't. I had a warped mentality of the world but Suzu was able to change everything for me.

Mr. Horikita: What exactly do you plan to do with your life?

Kiyotaka: I plan on pursuing teaching and then becoming the minister of Education.

Mr. Horikita: Like your father?

Kiyotaka: When it comes to the reach I don't disagree with him. But the conditions he put children through were unacceptable. I'd been observing closely during my time at ANHS. I realized there were many students who would never have survived the WR but upon proper guidance could still reach their full potential.

Suzune: I agree. I'm sure I wouldn't have survived in that place but thanks to Kiyotaka I'm far better than I ever was before.

Mr. Horikita: I see. How confident are you in Suzune's abilities?

Kiyotaka: The only woman I could see her losing to is my sister.

Mr. Horikita: I see. And what of Manabu?

Kiyotaka: He would lose.

Suzune looks at him a bit shocked but realizes he's right. It's just hard for her to believe.

Mr. Horikita: Ha ha ha. It's just as Manabu said when he returned. He said to expect that you will have surpassed him by the time of your graduation.

Suzune: Brother said that?

Kiyotaka: In addition to that she has defeated 2 WR students by herself.

Mr. Horikita: What...?

Mrs. Horikita: Suzune. Are you alright?

Kiyotaka: The more notable one is Amasawa Ichika of the 5th Generation. She was in the 2nd place position in the 5th generation which was the 2nd most promising generation after the one I was in.

Mr. Horikita- What has he trained her in? I think I might become afraid of my own daughter.

Suzune: Father. I know what path I want to pursue. I'm going to be a defence attorney.

Mr. Horikita: I see. That's a good choice. I'm glad.

The 4 of them spend their time that day recounting everything that happened at ANHS.


To Be Continued


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