10. Unexpected Bonds.

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Outside the Sachdeva Mansion, Trisha was still sobbing, crying out to be let inside, but there was no one there to hear her pleas.

Rajveer was trying to calm her down, but today he too seemed helpless. He couldn't figure out what to do or how to comfort Trisha. He was lost in thought when suddenly, Trisha stepped out of her place and started walking towards the mansion gate. But this time, Rajveer stopped her.

Rajveer had a tight grip on her hand. When Trisha noticed that Rajveer was holding her back, she exclaimed, "Let go of my hand! How dare you touch me?" Her voice was filled with Anger and disbelief. She made another attempt to free her hand, but everything seemed futile in front of Rajveer.

Rajveer was now feeling angry after hearing Trisha's words. He was thinking that this girl speaks whatever comes to her mind without thinking twice.

But now, as bad as Rajveer perceived Trisha to be, his perception of her completely changed After hearing her words, transforming his anger into a storm of emotions.

He grabs Trisha by the shoulder and pulls her towards him, saying, "What courage do I have? I'll show everything when the time comes. And those people who don't want to meet you have already broken all ties with you. What's the use of crying and being upset like this for them?" Rajveer said angrily, gritting his teeth.

"Benefits and losses, that's all people like you care about. What do you know about the pain when your family leaves you forever, without any fault of yours?" Trisha shouted at Rajveer.

"What expectations can one have from a person who marries a girl solely for his own benefit?" Trisha's words, filled with anger, left Rajveer stunned, leaving him with no idea of what she had said.

But Trisha's words were piercing Rajveer like daggers, causing him intense pain and discomfort.

No one has ever spoken to Rajveer in such a condescending tone before, and Trisha had unleashed a barrage of harsh words upon him,

Rajveer, now consumed by anger, tightened his grip on Trisha's shoulders. His eyes were now a deep shade of red, as if they could bleed at any moment.

Trisha, now feeling both pain and fear, was about to say something when Rajveer abruptly let go of her with a shove. Everything happened so quickly that Trisha couldn't regain her balance and fell to the ground, her head hitting a nearby stone.

Trisha, now unconscious from the blow to her head, lay limp on the ground, while Rajveer remained consumed by anger. He was oblivious to Trisha's fall and the blood trickling from her head.

Just then, a guard rushed over to Rajveer, his voice trembling as he exclaimed, "Sirr... Sir, there.... there's blood... blood coming from ma'am's head..." He hadn't even finished his sentence when Rajveer's attention was drawn to the unconscious Trisha lying on the ground, blood continuously dripping from her head.

Seeing Trisha in that state, Rajveer froze in place for a moment. Without wasting even a second, he lifted Trisha into his arms and rushed to the car. Soon after, Rajveer's car could be seen speeding towards his home, the wind whispering secrets as it raced alongside.

Around twenty minutes later, Rajveer arrived home, Trisha cradled gently in his arms, his expression a mixture of concern and determination. With careful steps, he navigated through the familiar corridors, his heart racing with worry for her well-being. Upon reaching his bedroom, he entered quietly, as if afraid to disturb the fragile peace surrounding Trisha. Gently laying her on the bed, he hovered close, his eyes never leaving her face, silently praying for her to awaken from whatever darkness had consumed her.

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