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Hi, I am Noah.. Well thats what I will call myself once in get in college. I am an orphan living in a boarding school which was donated by  what was their name?? Ahhh Suppasit Jongcheveevats.

I never knew who my parents were.. Why did they leave me here... Was I an unwanted child? May be or may be not..

I dont care. I have my brothers and sisters here and we have our Mother.. Well the principal of the school. She loves me to the extreme.. I always get way with mischief hehehehe...

Well so you know I am a bit naughty.... Our teachers.. Loves each and every child equally.. But a little more me..

I live in the school hostel provided by the school.. Being an orphan.. We dont need to pay any school fees or hostel rent.. The school covers for us.

But you know.... We have our own needs right. I work part time at a cafe near the School.. Which is around 10mins from my hostel..

I am not a boy who is remorseful for being an orphan.. Infact there is nothing for me to remorse.. I get good schooling.. A  place to live.. What more can I want.. I fulfil my monthly needs from the pay i get from the cafe.
There is a secret.. Which no one knows.. only our principal and the teachers. I am a Hermaphrodite which makes me special.... Its a god gift.. That being a boy I can carry children.. Principal says.. I am too special... And may be that is the reason... they love me and protect me so much... My female organs will mature once I cross 18.. Ohh.. I never told you my age.. I am just 17years old.

An incident happenes very recently..which I cannot take out of my mind..

I was working late.. at the cafe... As the owner has to go early.. I was incharge to close the cafe..
As locked the cafe door.. Put the shutter down.....when I heard two people taking.. A boy and a girl.. The girl was very rude to him... Poor guy.. He was crying.... I heard what she said... And i could see the boy being heartbroken..

I felt sad.. And walked to him... He was sitting under a lampshade...

Here.." I said softly. I had a ice cream box with me so i gave it to him..

The boy looked at me...

"Here have this .. and don't cry.." I said again

Before the boy could say anything.. I said... " I saw what happened ... and I am sorry you had to go through all this.. but what's the point in crying over a breakup?"

"How would you know?? Did you ever have fall in love? Did you ever had a heartbreak?" The boy sniffed his nose and said.. (very cute)

"Well I wanted to .. but I couldn't . you see no one likes a guy with glasses.. that too... who is always engrossed in books.. but that doesn't make me sad .. or I cry over that...I should be sadder than you.... As I could neither experience love or break up.. (It was partly true... I never knew.. I could say truth about myself)

"Mm let me ask you one thing.. will you reply honestly?" .. I asked...

The boy just nodded...

Do you have anyone who loves you?? – the boy

"yes I have my parents ... my friends.." answered Luke..

"So you are rich?" – the boy?

"Huh.. With wide eyes the boy looked at me  eyes became wide..  I Said again.. " you have family, you have friends who love you.. that's makes you rich right .. so why cry over someone who does not love you? If she loved you truly she would never have left you unlike your family and why cry over someone so pathetic who only  knows money can buy happiness.. ?

The boy didnt say a word.... I guess he understood what i meant

I said again..."look at me? I am poor.. very poor... you know.. I don't have my parents.. I live in an orphanage.. I don't even know whether my parents whether they loved me.. or ........ why they left me whether they are alive or not... but I am crying?? No right.. because I know it's the truth.. I envy people who have a loving family.... I always wanted one.. to come home.. where my parents would greet me with love" (partly true.. Why Am I being so frank with him???)

So you understand now what am trying to say?" there are lots of people out there who are suffering but don't shed tears ..they become strong and move on... don't shed those precious tears .. on someone who doesn't value love..

The boy was quiet.. he couldn't say anything..

Hmm ... since you have stopped crying.. I should leave... with that I turned to leave when the boy held my hand.. "Thank you.." he said..

"Always Welcome...."

"I didn't get your name. I am Luke ?" said the boy...

"Well I didn't have a Name.. people in my orphanage used to call me Chubby... so I gave a name to myself .. its Noah.. by the way ...... Good night and Good Luck..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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