Post Graduation- Chapter 2: The World Knows The Truth. The White Room Exposed!

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kiyotaka and Suzune had begun attending the same university as Manabu and Nagumo when they received a message from someone.

From: Sudo Ken | To: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

CC: Horikita Suzune

We need to talk.


Kiyotaka and Suzune both arrive to find many former members of Class 3-A waiting. Sudo rushes towards him and hugs him.

Sudo: I never knew man. I... I can't even imagine.

Akito: Kiyotaka. I... he's not your father. That man is the lowest of the low.

Haruka had a look of horror on her face.

Haruka: Ki-Kiyopon? I don't know what to say right now.

Kiyotaka: Haruka?

Akito: She's been like this since she heard the news. Haruka has always been the sensitive type. 

Sakura wasn't able to look him in the eye knowing what he'd been through.

Yukimura: I was foolish to even compare our pain. 

Kushida- I feel bad for him. I really do.

Kei: That man is in a coma now so he won't be able to do it again.

Sudo: I bet you wish you were the one to do it though huh Kiyotaka?

Kiyotaka: I was though.

Everyone was shocked.

Hirata: it's true. That man lured Chiori-San to that building by using me as bait and then Ayanokoji came in to support her.

Sudo: Way to go man. Ha ha!

Kiyotaka: Hirata. Have you spoken to Chiori?

Hirata: Um no. She hasn't called me yet. probably just saving Private Points.

Kiyotaka was a bit disappointed.

Sato: Hey so are you 2 living together?

Suzune is embarrassed.

Suzune: Why would you think that!?

Sato: I mean Ayanokoji-Kun doesn't really have a place to stay.

Kiyotaka: We have a nice house in Tokyo.

Sato: Oh wow. You 2 are moving pretty quickly.

Kiyotaka: How have all of you been?

Sudo: I got signed by an American team. I'm really glad I learned English in school.

Yukimura: Koenji hired me as an accountant. he's paying me pretty well.

Sato: I'm doing some amateur Photography.

Hirata: Never mind us. What about you 2?

Kiyotaka: I'm studying Teaching.

Suzune: In studying Law.

Sato: You 2 are the same as always.

The Former classmates talk for a while catching up until Kiyotaka and Suzune head home.


Kiyotaka: We've got a big day tomorrow.

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