Killer With A Soft Touch

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Falling in love with an every woman's man, the one that does everything to make you fall knowing he will leave in the end

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Falling in love with an every woman's man, the one that does everything to make you fall knowing he will leave in the end.

He gets off on the honeymoon phase and is most satisfied when all the music starts to fade.

Collecting women, keeping trophies with each heart he steals. Leaving them in his darkness, feeling that much needed high from his kill.

Same dance, same routine, same pattern.
He seeks out his prey, stalking his unsuspecting victim.

He lurks in the background secretly getting to know you. He carefully makes a plan of everything he's going to say and do.

His charm, an undeniable strong kind of potion.
His words, making you crave more of his type of devotion.

He'll make you feel like nothing else in this world.
That you're so perfect flaws and all,
you're his dream girl.

You won't know he's no James Dean.
You won't know until it's too late,
that those words, never meant anything.

You were just a player in his wicked games.
You'll slowly die inside as he happily moves on forgetting you exist, no longer remembering your name.

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