Chapter 39: Trent boyett

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Tweek and I walk side by side, rather late for school. Hes got two coffee cups in his hands because mom didnt trust him not to try and hurt me again with just one. The bastard. But now that hes got what hes got, maybe hes ready to bark instead of bite.

"Hey Tweek... Ready to tell me why there are two of my hats?" He thinks for a moment before shaking his head no. "Hey Tweek... How about you tell me why you attacked me after I touched it?" He shook his head again. "Hey Tweek... Are you gonna tell me anything about the events that just conspired?" He shakes his head once again. "Hey Twee-"


I sigh. "Everything is too much pressure for you Tweek."

"N-no its not..." He twitches.

I chuckle and walk backwards right in front of him. "I remember you saying something along the lines of 'too much pressure' when we first met."

He shakes his head. "No I didnt..."

"Yes you did."

His face turns red. "No..."

"Mhm. You did."

"Nuh uh.."

"Tweek.... I remember it clearly."

His face turns a darker shade of red. "No you c-cant- Ack!"

"Yeah I can." I stop walking, causing him to halt right in front of me. "You were just as much as a spaz then, than you are now huh?"

He shakes his and tries to walk around me. Im not letting that happen. Hes so cute. Maybe I should kiss him again. I wouldnt mind kissing Tweek a little more this morning.

"We have to go to school... Its fine if I fail because im not from here... But you are, so-"

I place my middle finger on his lips to shush him.

"I dont care. School can wait."

"N-no it-"


I start to lean in. This is happening. We're gonna kiss again. Its definitely not weird at all that my plan seems to be making my feelings for him worse. Thatd make me dumb. Im not dumb. Im-


That sudden outburst makes Tweek jump and bump our heads together hard.


"Ah shit- What the fuck?!" I rub my head and Tweek rubs his.

Wait that voice.... No fucking way. I thought those four dumbasses killed him.

Trent boyett.

"You saw.... You saw what they did to me...."

Oh shit. This isnt how today was supposed to go...

Tweek starts shivering. He grips onto my arm. "C-Craig whats going on who is that?!"

"You just turned the other way, Tucker. I bet no body even knows... A year. You had an entire year to tell everyone what they did to me."

I take a deep breath and accidentally flip him off out of habit. "It wasnt my business, dude... How are you still-"

"QUIET." Tweek flinches and grips my arm tighter. I take a step back and so does Tweek. "Yer gonna pay fer this. You and those four FUCKERS are gonna pay." And just when I thought I wasnt in enough danger, he pulls out a gun.

Tweek drops his cups. "AGH!! THATS A GUN!"

"No shit sherlock... Look, Trent, I dont want any part of this-"

The gun clicks, cutting me off.

"Neither did Butters, but he had his punishment. He took it like a champ. But those four? They got me taken away again." I take this chance while hes telling his backstory. "And just when it couldnt get worse- HEY!!"

I hear gun shots as we run. Im really trying not to die today.


We do not stop. We keep running until someone conveniently pulls us into an alley way just in time.

"C-Craig im so scared why are humans so crazy I-... Craig?" Tweek turns to look at what im looking at. "HUMANS!!"

Well technically yes.

The 4 dickwads.

Cartman scoffs. "Yes Tweek we're all humans whats new?"

All humans huh? Me and Kenny exchange a look- Wait...

Whats new?!

I flip them all off, waving my arms like crazy before speaking. "Whats new is that TRENT BOYETT is out there with a mother fucking GUN"

Stan simply blinks. "Yeah, thats not new. We already know. He has other weapons too."

Kenny nods. "Yeah! It was my idea to save you guys sooooo.... Im waiting for a thank you."

"Fuck you. Fuck you and you and you too Kyle."

Kyle looks at me like im crazy. "WHAT DID I DO?!"


Tweek grips his hair with both hands. "IM SO ꉣꌚꀗꂦ CONFUSED" I rub his back to calm him down and use my free hand to take his hands out of his head. This was probably why he made a duplicate of my hat. So he wouldnt pull his hair out... He was probably embarrassed to tell me hes soooo cute-

"Well Tweek! Why dont we tell you what happened!" Cartman takes out a microphone from god knows where. Probably up his ass or something I dont fucking know. "Now this is a story all about how our lives got twisted upsidedown! Now Im gonna take a moment just sit right there and ill tell you why Trent Boyett wants us dead!"

Music starts randomly playing. I dont like this.

Kyle sighs. "Cartman stop. Youre gonna get us copy writed."

Fatass groans and turns off his speaker. Where did he get a speaker from-

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