Chapter 7

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A brush falls to the ground smearing coloured paint on the floor, the canvas wet with paint, left to dry and the artist tired sitting and resting his head on the chair. "Well that took quite a time." Nor thought. Eugene who had fallen asleep woke up, he was as usual twisting and twirling. No wonder why he was looking curiously and extensively at the picture before him, a picture of the dining room, where Nor was painting something having Eugene by his side, looking down to a spread out Ezra on the ground. 

"Beauty! isn't it Gene?"

The bird chirped in response, they both looked to it back again and admired the beauty of it. Nor was especially. For before, it had been Ezra who painted a picture of him, but now he himself painted both of them, laughing and chatting together. He saw the brightness in the painting, how much joy it contained. Eugene just chirped away in ecstacy. 

"Heh, nothing much to say Gene?" The swift however just flew away into the wild through the open window, leaving a rather dumbfounded Nor behind. 

Exasperated, Nor just rolled his eyes inside and dropped down to the chair. Resting his head on the back rest, taking in the voice of the colours. He closed his eyes and sloppily relaxed his body. Breathing slowly and deeply, listening to the distant rustle of the tree leaves and the bird chirping, taking in the moment of silence. "Ezra hope you're okay!" he thought. Opening his eyes and sitting upright. "I need to find out what's bothering him." 

And so, he stood and walked to the foot of the staircase. Looking up, the door to their room was shut, and no sound came. He hesitated to go, but eventually did muster up the courage and started ascending. Thoughts flew over his head, Ez was really hesitant at speaking to Nor, not mention the fact that Nor had some sort of effect on him. "Maybe, he doesn't-" Nor's voice tried to finish but couldn't. There were just too many possibilities at what was bothering him. 

Nor did not for a second remove his gaze from the door, he was hoping that Ez would open the door, see him coming up the stairs, and run to hug him and just tell whatever the hell was bothering him. Or not. Another part hoped that he wouldn't open the door, Nor wasn't sure what to talk about so. Another part thought, what if he really did open the door but get disgusted or scared once he finds that I was creeping up? So many voices and so many thoughts flew over.

Before he knew it, he found himself right opposite to the door. Nor lifted his hand to his shoulder and went to knock at the door before stopping himself. Eyes wide at hesitation. He really didn't know how to approach him. Or that he might think something was up with me. Or something.. So many thoughts that it hurt. "You know what! just try to listen." 

Nor sighed and put his ear to the door, trying to listen to anything, and his eyes shortened in search, his ear tingled at something inside. No sound. Nor began to worry, Ezra was never that quiet, even if he were to speak nothing, there would still be some sound to persist, some groans or moans or hums from either playing music in his head or speaking to himself. After contemplating that much, Nor told to himself that he could just be sleeping. Plausible. 

Taking his ear away, resting his forehead on the door. "Ezra, please talk to me." They never left his mouth, sighing in frustration, he turned around to leave, but something really bad sunk in his stomach. He knew something was wrong. His guts always told the truth. Trusting on them, he turned around and had grabbed the door handle. Taking deep breaths, he tested weather the hook was locked, it wasn't. With relief, he sighed again, preparing himself for whatever was inside, and turned the hook all the way. 

Opening the door and entering the room was always the same. Checking the bed, no sign of Ez. "To my bed?" only a pillow missing. "Okay, I'm serious something's up with Ez." Nor then turned around to close the door, but was stopped when he saw Ez sitting at the corner, his knees to his chest, face buried in Nor's pillow hugging till his fingers turned white.

"Oh My Dear, Ez!" I had to save him from this state. He cannot be the same as then.

Crouched down next to him, hands on his shoulders, shaking to make him come back to reality, once, those red eyes caught sight of Nor, he had lost it. Ez's head began to shake and tears began to roll down. "Oh My God! Ez. don't" Nor's voice shaking from the sight without wasting a time, Nor put his hands around Ez and let him embrace him. Ez still in his shaking state, now having a heavy breather moment, hugged Nor back with intensity that made Nor choke. 

Ezra's whimpering got heavier and faster. Nor had never seen this before, he knew nothing to exactly cure Ez of this, but he let him embrace him. "EZ! Please Calm Down, I'm Here With You." That seemed to work a bit, Nor noticing that continued to hug and tell Ez that he was alright and that Nor was with him. After a while of comforting, Ez had calmed down, but his state was not good, eyes red and hot from crying and dried tears all over his cheeks. Releasing their grip, looking into each other's eyes, the look of deep tiredness from Ez and eyes of concern and confusion from Nor. Breathing heavily, Ez began to speak.

"Nor..." gulping from the dryness. Nor just waited patiently.

"Nor, please don't ever leave me." they felt like daggers to Nor as he hadn't spoken for a long time. They spoke of genuine desperation. They spoke of need. They spoke of help. Nor softened his gaze, he knew that he'll never leave Ez. He never would and never will, "How could you think of that? Of course I won't." Ezra had calmed down a bit from that revelation, his once ragged breath began to slow down, tears drying on his cheeks. Nor knew all to well of this and gave Ez a hug. Ez couldn't reject the embrace. They stayed in each other's embrace for a few minutes.

"Here! tea!" Nor told, as he spread his hand towards Ez with a cup full of tea clenched in his fingers. Ezra, who hadn't spoken since then took the beverage to ease himself off, his pink eyes staring at nothing at all deep in thought. Nor sat next to him, with another cup of tea in his hands and a plate of biscuits with the Raspberry Jam next to him, on the side table. He looked at Ez, and snapped his fingers in front of his face. To that, Ez broke off from his trance and looked at Nor. His eyes all hurt. 

Nor tried to talk to him, trying to comfort him but no chance. He was so busy trying to get Ezra back to his feet that he didn't notice the tears in his eyes until he heard sobbing. Nor looked up and fell into deep hurt as Ezra now had his brows squeezed and and tears rolling down. "My lord, Ez come here." Nor hugged Ezra comforting him, Ezra had his hands around Nor's body hugging tight almost choking Nor. Nor for his part, feeling Ez pulling close to him made him shiver. He knew this was something that really bothered Ez, but knew that now he had came back. Sighing, "Ez! I'm here don't worry, I won't leave you. I would never leave you." 

As soon as he said that, Ez hugged him even more tight, making Nor's mind go crazy with all the pressure. "Thank You, Thank You so much." Ezra told shivering, "Tsk, there, there, you're alright. You're alright." Nor said stroking the back hairs of Ez. With this, Ez began to slowly calm down. Soon enough, he had completely stopped crying. Closing his eyes, resting his head on Nor's shoulder, hugging him tightly, Ez took in the embrace of Nor. His chest empty, and a bitter-sweet scent in the air surrounded Ez. Never letting go of Nor. 

Nor took in the desperate embrace of Ez, he was still confused at what had caused Ez to act up so much since yesterday, "I'm going to stay, I'm going to help Ez in any way." In his embrace, Nor too closed his eyes, rested his face on the other shoulder of Ez, one hand around his body and the other stroking the back of his head, his chest full of sympathy. They both embraced each other's presence. Nothing seemed more important than Ez, his best friend. 

"Ez, wanna drink your tea?" 

Nor broke the silence, but was met with silence, "Ez?" he questioned as he loosened his grip to face him. Closed eyes, snoring and a calm face met him. "Ez!" his tight embrace came to fall, "My dear Ez!" Nor secured Ez's grip to his neck and grabbed his legs, "Oh My GoD! Ez, you're certainly heavy" lifting him up, barely managing to not fall, Nor carried him towards his bed and put him on, losing the grip of Ez, as he slowly slipped into the sheets. 

Hey, guys I'm your Author Dhaval, and this is my original work "The Mountain Mystery" I tried to create something very personal and touching, so let me know how it is. I really appreciate your comments and would really like to talk to you.

Try reading my other works as well. Until next time, I'll see you around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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