2 months after

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Conor Lawlor remembers when he first found out he was moving to Synge Street. He couldn't be too upset, he knew his parents were struggling with money. He didn't think it could be that bad, it's just another school after all.

That was until he told his friends from the Jesuits. By the look they gave each other, he couldn't help but freak out a little. Especially after what his friend, Liam, said to him;

"It's been nice knowing you."

Right then and there he knew that his new school wouldn't be anything like the red brick school, with large sports grounds and school plays every year that he was currently attending.

He wasn't too far off though, it wasn't the worst school ever. Sure it was old and covered in rubbish and rude writings on the walls, and sure he was bullied, hit, and a target of Brother Baxter's wrath, but it wasn't like he was completely miserable. He had Raphina, he had his friends, he had the band.

The band

He went to London for Raphina, yes, but he of course also came for opportunities. Opportunities not only for him, but for Sing Street.

So now, 2 months later, Conor Lawlor sat on a sofa in a shitty rented apartment in the south of London, waiting for his girlfriend to come back from her job. His girlfriend. He couldn't believe he was actually saying that. It was almost like it was yesterday he came up with the idea to create a band on the spot to impress her, and now Conor and Raphina have been together for months, and that's months, plural!

They went out showing modelling and music agencies their photos and music videos, making sure to find work while they do this to get money for housing and food. It was working. Raphina found a clothing brand who needed people to model their clothes, and Conor found a music agency who wanted to make Sing Street the next best thing.

So he was going back to tell them the good news. It was Eamon's idea to bring Raphina to London and get them a record deal. He hoped that they would be happy, and maybe not too mad he didn't reach out to them the whole time. It's not like he could even afford a phone yet.

He wonders what they were up to - Eamon, Darren, Ngig, Garry and Larry - for the last few months. It was the beginning of the Christmas break when he ran away to England, it was almost March now. Hopefully they kept the band together, even after he left. A lot happened while he was in London but he was sure he didn't miss too much back in Dublin.

But he, of course, missed a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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