Chapter 1: Decision

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Peyton's POV:
Today's another Monday during summer. Rowan and I were called in to talk to our director, Micheal Jacobs about a scene in our upcoming episode for Girl Meets World. My mom dropped me off and while I was heading to the studio I saw Rowan ahead of me. "Rowan, wait up!" I called. She turned around, and waved, waiting for me to run over. When I caught up to her we gave each other hug while she said, "Hey Pey." "Hey rowboat," I laughed.

A few of us gave her that nickname a while ago, and she's not too fond of it. "Are you really bringing back that nickname?" she asked while she tried her hardest not to laugh with me.

"C'mon row, you have to admit that it's funny."
"Yea, yea. Whatever," she gave me a shove and laughed.

"So Peyton, what do think Micheal needs to talk to us about?" "I honestly have no clue." We reached the studio and went into our directors office, and found Rider (Uncle Shawn) talking to him. When they noticed us, we were signaled over. "Rowan, Peyton. There are some things that me and Rider need to discuss with you two."

"Well, you both know how we have girl meets first date coming up in a few days, and obviously it's about your characters. I'm going to be helping Micheal direct that episode, and we have some ideas. But first we need your approval," Rider told us. Right when he said he needed our approval I knew exactly what he was going to say next. And I'm not sure if Rowan will be okay with it.

"Towards the end of the episode, we have the subway scene where your characters somewhat recreate how they met. And we were wondering if you two were okay with a kiss." I saw Rowan start to get nervous and fiddle with her fingers. "We just need to know by the end of the day, since filming starts on Wednesday." Rowan seemed very uncomfortable and wasn't speaking.

"Um.." I rubbed the back of my neck, not knowing how to respond. All I know is that I need to talk to Rowan about this. "Well, uh- we'll let you know." "Okay, see you guys later." Me and Rowan said "Bye" is unison and she seemed to rush out of the room. I saw her stop in her tracks and turn around to face me. "Peyton?" She sounded uneasy. "Yea, row?" "Can we talk about this," "Sure," I looked at her hands. They looked clammy and she kept rubbing her arms.


The walk to her dressing room was quiet. Rowan had her head down the whole time and didn't say a word. When we got to her door, she opened it, and let me in. "Uh, sit anywhere you want," she pointed at several place to sit. I took a seat on her couch, and she sat across from on a rotating, black chair. "So..I need to know before anything, if you're comfortable with this Rowan. I don't want you to feel pressured to do the kiss. It's all up to you," I looked her in the eye. Rowan is like a sister to me. I need to know if she's okay with it. I care about her too much for her to just go along with it because the directors and staff want her to. She never liked to disappoint people, even if it affects her negatively, which is something that bothers me.

"If you aren't okay with kissing me, or you find it gross or something then-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because she cut me off. "No, that's not it. I don't mind kissing you really." I smiled at that, but she started to ramble and her talking speeded up 100 times faster. She was stuttering and I found it kinda cute.

(Wait, wait. What? Why would I think-you know what I'll just forget about that.)

"Not that I want to or anything, like you're great but you're not like that too me. You're like my brother, best friend, buddy. Uh-yeah. I mean..never mind. It's just that it's my..ya know?" Then I realized why she was so weird about this. "Your first kiss?"

She looked down, "Yea, it would be my..first kiss. I don't mind having my first kiss already. That's honestly not the problem." "Okay, then what is?"

"Well uh-this might sound really stupid, but I feel like habsksmak," she didn't quite finish her sentence. She rambled with the last few words so I could tell what she was going to say. "What was that?" I smiled at her and laughed a bit, and she laughed with me. "I feel like I'm going to be a horrible kisser. There, happy?" She said sarcastically and tried to look mad, yet her smile kept creeping up on her beautiful face.

(Okay, where is all of this coming from?!)

I couldn't help but start bust laughing. "Seriously row? That's what you're worried about? You'll be fine. If you think you're going to mess up then maybe you just need to rehearse it."

Rowan looked at me with a sort of grin. "Like..practice?" "Yeah, in a way," I chuckled. "I could teach you. I'm sort of an expert." I tried to show off, even though I've only ever kissed one girl before. She scoffed and laughed at the same time. "Yea, because you kiss sooo many girls." "Well..only one, but still."

"Whatever Pey, when do you wanna practice?" she asked. "How about tomorrow?" "Sure, well I gotta go, so I'll talk to you tomorrow then 'teacher'." Row put air quotes around that which made me give her a shove before I gave her a hug and said bye.

Well, I guess we're really doing this. But I shouldn't worry. Nothing will happen, right?

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