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The night drags on, and Jaehyun stares blankly out his window at the moon as it slowly crawls across the ebony sky. He continues to watch until the brilliant luna begins to descend from its peak, and he sighs, now gazing at his ceiling.

He's tired. So very tired, especially after today. Yet another gruelling training session with his father, once again ending in bruises and tears. It was utterly humiliating; the leaders from the Choi, Kim, Hwang, Bae and Seo Clans all watching on as Jaehyun failed over and over, resulting in strikes from his father's hand.

Jaehyun could hear them all talking about what a disgrace he is—how could the honourable Clan Leader Jung end up with a son as pitiful and weak like Jaehyun? Especially after such a perfect and talented son like Yunho. The Clan Leaders even gushed about how amazing Taeyong is, especially with his odd style of shooting, and how Clan Leader Jung has so much potential under his wing.

Yunho tried to cheer Jaehyun up, offering for them to go pick berries together down in the village, but Jaehyun didn't want to be around anyone. Especially not his perfect brother that everyone loved. He heard Clan Leader Kim and Clan Leader Hwang talking about how it's honourable that Yunho is showing so much pity to his failure of a brother, even when he shouldn't have to. Youngho and Doyoung tried to apologise to him for their father's words, but Jaehyun just brushed them off. Even the next heads of the clans, their siblings, Master Kim and Lady Seo tried to reassure Jaehyun. But the words of four people against so many others did not mean much to him.

Jaehyun is nothing but a burden, especially to his brother.

It's these thoughts, as well as the pain in his chest and aching limbs that kept Jaehyun awake all night. Usually when he cannot sleep, he'll seek refuge in Taeyong's room, the older male always holding him close and comforting him.

He's eleven now, he shouldn't have to rely on such childish things to help him focus, but he cannot deny that he really craves the calming feeling of Taeyong's arms wrapped around his sore body right now.

After contemplating for hours on whether or not he should burden Taeyong with his presence, he gives in and slowly climbs out of his cot, padding his way across his small room to his door. He slides open the door, gazing down the dark, daunting hallway. His heart hammers loudly in his chest, but he swallows his fear and steps out of his room, slipping his xue on that rested idly by the door entrance.

Jaehyun slowly makes his way through the dark empty hallways towards Taeyong's quarters, the need to be held by his brother increasing by the second. He quickens his pace until he's basically running, reaching Taeyong's closed door quickly.

He breathes heavily, and raises his fist to knock, but stops. There's sounds inside. He lowers his hand, and presses his ear to the canvas, eyebrows furrowed as he listens.

It sounds like Taeyong, and someone else. They're talking in hushed whispers, but then the silence will break with soft cries and whimpers. It sounds like Taeyong is in pain. He can hear repeated words; "stop", "it hurts", "please", "I can't", all coming from Taeyong's pained voice.

Jaehyun steps back in panic, eyes flying wide. Is someone in Taeyong's room hurting him? He once again raises his fist and bangs on the door, frantic.

"Hyung! Are you okay?" He questions, voice shaky. The sounds and voices immediately cease, and there's some rustling, before Jaehyun can hear uneven footsteps approaching the door. He steps back as the door slides open, Taeyong standing before him in his night robes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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