Chapter.2 A second chance

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I woke up my vision blurry. My head my throbbing and my body ached. I was shivering from the cold metal I was now laying on. I have no idea where I am but it smelled terrible. I tried to stand but it was no use my body was to weak. I squinted my eyes to see where I was but noticed nothing but a cold cement floor with blood stains and metal bars lining the room. Chains hung from the walls. I was in a torture cell. My eyes felt heavy but I fought to stay awake. I heard talking from outside the door but it was faint. My ears were ringing from the pulsating pain in my head. My breathing felt shallow. I really am weak and pathetic. I ran from one prison and found myself right back in another one. honestly maybe ill get lucky and they will just kill me. I tried to stand but failed at another attempt my body to weak. I am to weak. I heard the door open but as footsteps approached me I fell back into a deep sleep.

Alpha Axels pov:

Alpha we have found a rouge. My beta Jasper mind linked me. 

I happened to be in bed with my girlfriend Chelsie. I growled being interrupted. 

Chelsie giggled and whined at me not to stop. I got up and started to put my clothes on and throwing the condom I had away. Chelsie pouted at me.

"Come on cant it wait?" She asked seductively.

I'm on my way take it to the cells. I mind linked him back.

Its a girl she is unconscious and honestly already in rough shape. He spoke back.

Damn my men roughed her up already? She must have put up a fight? I hate rouges they always have a plot and never know how to stay off my fucking land. 

I stormed my way through the pack house and outside. I shifted into my pure black wolf and ran to the cell house. I got there and shifted back and slipped on a pair of shorts. My beta greeted me at the door. 

"Alpha we went in to ask some questions but she passed right back out. She's super weak. She ran onto our lands but as soon as we found her she passed out. She seems pretty beaten up. We clearly aren't the first pack that's got her." He explained. 

"Weird well ill come wake her up. She needs to answer some questions if she doesn't then we will just kill her. There's got to be a reason she is in poor condition we have no idea what kind of trader this girl is." I growled. 

"One thing she smells of wolf but I cant sense one on her." He explained.

I stopped dead in my tracks. What does he mean I've never heard of such a thing. Who is this rouge and why is she sent to my damn pack!

My phone buzzed but I ignored it I need to deal with this problem first. I stormed through the door and down the hall. As I crossed by all the cells I started to smell the most intoxicating smell. It was like honey and lilacs. My wolf started to stir inside of me like crazy making me quicken my pace. I stood outside of the door of the cell my wolf howling and trying to take control. I slammed open the cell door to see the most beautiful fragile girl I've ever seen. She was bruised and bloody. Her brown long hair matted and messy. She was covered in dirt from head to toe and all I could hear was her faint shallow breathing. 

My wolf was howling and jumping inside of me.

"Mine." I growled possessively. 

This girl she is my mate! She is stunning. 

The joy was short lived when it hit me the condition she was in. I then growled angrily my wolf fighting to be released. I rushed to her in a second and started to pick her up gently. My heart was racing. She is on the brink of death. She can't die I just found her. I carried her out of the cell. My wolf was fighting for control. I almost couldn't hold him back anymore. My beta looked at me holding the girl in my arms. His eyes saw mine and grew wide. 

"Mate." I growled out. 

"Ill have the pack doctor meet you at the house." Jasper spoke frantically. 

I ran with my mate in my arms as fast as I could without hurting her more. My heart was racing in fear. I couldn't help but admire her beauty as I clutched onto her for dear life.

We arrived at the Packhouse and I carried her up to my room and laid her in my bed. The pack doctor rushed into the room right after me. 

"help her!" I growled through gritted teeth. 

The doc started to lift up her shirt to examine her and my wolf wasn't having it. He started to take full control and growled menacingly. 

"Alpha it would be best if you waited outside." He looked at me.

Is he crazy no way in hell will I leave me mates side!

I growled and started to stalk towards him angrily. Jasper and his brother josh ran in and grabbed my arms pulling me out of the room. They held me back until I took control of my wolf. I started to whimper being away from her and knowing the condition she's in. After what felt like an eternity the doc came out and looked at me.

"She will be alright now I've done all I can. I gave her some pain meds and something to try to help her body heal but she has clearly been beaten pretty badly. Although she smells of wolf I cant seem to sense one on her which is odd. I would like to see her when she is healthier and do a little check up on her. But for now her body must heal. If I am right and she has not yet found her wolf she will heal much slower but with lots of bedrest she should be alright." He explained.

Right now I dont care if she has a wolf or not just hearing she will be okay made my worry subside. But it also brought me great rage. Who would ever harm my beautiful mate? I will hunt them down and kill them I swear!

Octavia's Pov:

I smelt another amazing smell around me making my body relax. But it was so much more it was like a pine with a hint of mint. It was intoxicating. I felt a soft silky material all around me. My body still hurt but not as bad as it did. My head was still throbbing though, but I was no longer cold and didn't feel so tired. I blinked my eyes open wondering where I was now. When my eyes focused I saw I was in a huge bedroom. It was remarkable. The walls were painted a medium shade of gray and there was pretty furniture around the room. I was in a giant bed that felt like I was laying on clouds. 

"You're awake!" I heard a deep voice that made my heart skip a beat.

I have no idea whos voice that is but I want nothing more than to hear them talk forever it was like music to my ears. I looked to the sound of the voice and saw the most handsome man I've ever seen. He was tall and very muscular with black short hair and amazing gray eyes. His face alone looked like it was carved by the moon goddess herself. 

"What's you're name beautiful?" He asked eagerly.

Did he just call me beautiful? 

I just stared at him memorized by him. There was knock at the door.

"Come in." The guy spoke.

Another guy a bit shorter with dirty blonde hair walked in. 

"Alpha I'm just informing you that alpha Nathans party has been pushed back a week. She's awake." The guy said.

"Jasper I dont give a fuck about that brats party I'm taking care of my mate right now." The handsome man I now know as alpha spoke. 

That's when everything hit me. How is this even possible? Nathan was my mate? I have another mate? A second chance mate that's so rare? 

I felt happy until Nathans words ran through my head.

Nobody will ever want you.

He's right as soon as he finds out I'm weak and pathetic and have no wolf he wont want me either. He just doesn't know yet. I let everything sink in and stared directly at the ground.

How many times do I have to tell you not to look at us. 

All the words I've ever heard has rushed back. I cant be so naïve. He won't accept me not when he finds out. He is an alpha, no alpha wants a weak mate. My heart dropped at the thought of his rejection. I dont think I can handle it again but id be stupid to think he would accept me. I am nothing but a wolf less mutt.

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