The past (2)

58 3 0


(Age 15)

Two years. Two years since i killed that man. And i have killed a hundred more since then. Yet, he is the only one who is stuck in my brain. Maybe, because he was the first one. For whatever reason, he is in my brain. I see his wide open eyes and pale face every night when I close my eyes and every morning when i open them.

I am roaming through the streets of L.A. Why? I do not even know. Since that day, i haven't been the same. Dad said it would get better. But it didn't. It is the same. The same hesitation when the gun is handed to me. They all have the same look. Begging eyes and sad words. They all steal for the same reasons.

Either to support their families... or because they just need money... or more. Most of them steal drugs. I never understood why. Why would someone want to do drugs. Why would someone want to get themselves involved in that mess. Why would someone want to harm themselves like that.

Until... i tried them myself. Until i gave it a shot. It keeps you numb for a few hours. Maks you forget your problems. Until you start remembering them again, and need more. And more. And more. And the circle continues.

It is a rabbit hole i want to get out of. But it is too late. I could try... But why would I? I could save myself... But why would i do that? I am a fucking mess.

I rub my eyes. I feel so tired. But at the same time, i want to do everything but sleep. I sit on a bench at a park. I close my eyes, and without understanding it, i fall asleep.

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