Chapter 21

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The room seemed to grow heavier with each word my dad spoke, the weight of his revelations sinking deep into my chest.

"Dad, what do you mean I'm going to marry Mr. Chen's daughter?" I questioned, my voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and apprehension.

He met my gaze with a solemn expression, his eyes reflecting the burden of the decisions he had made.

"It's part of a deal I made with Mr. Chen to resolve some financial issues," he explained, his tone heavy with the weight of responsibility.

My mind raced with a thousand questions, but I remained silent, allowing him to continue.

"We had originally planned for Jeongsuk to marry her, but I couldn't bring myself to burden an innocent girl with the troubles that come with our family," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret.

I struggled to process his words, the magnitude of his sacrifice and the implications of this arrangement settling heavily on my shoulders. The thought of marrying someone I barely knew, all for the sake of resolving financial troubles, felt like a heavy burden to bear.

"But Dad, what about my feelings? What about love?" I finally voiced my concerns, the weight of my emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

He sighed, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and sadness. "I know this isn't what you envisioned for yourself, but sometimes we have to make difficult choices for the greater good," he replied, his voice carrying a sense of resignation.

The wedding day had arrived, a curious blend of thriller and rom-com vibes swirling in the air. As I stood on the aisle, dressed in a suit that felt more like armour than attire, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervous excitement and apprehension.

This wasn't the typical romantic comedy scenario I had imagined for myself.

Dad, determined and resolute, had orchestrated this marriage with Mr. Chen's daughter to resolve longstanding financial troubles.

It was a plotline straight out of a thriller, with secrets, deals, and hidden agendas lurking beneath the surface. And here I was, the reluctant protagonist, playing my part in this complex tale.

As I scanned the guests, I caught a glimpse of my mom's expression—a mix of confusion and anger. Her relatives whispered among themselves, questioning why I stood there instead of Jeongsuk, the original groom in this convoluted script.

I maintained a straight face, trying to hide the turmoil brewing inside me.

The tension in the air was palpable, like a scene from a suspenseful movie. The rom-com aspect seemed like a distant dream as reality crashed in with all its complexities. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of humour, a touch of irony that added a quirky charm to the situation.

The atmosphere was a curious blend of thriller and rom-com vibes, creating a captivating tension that kept everyone on edge.

My gaze fixated on Mr. Chen's daughter as she walked down the aisle, accompanied by a man who seemed to be her brother. He leaned in, constantly murmuring something in her ear, adding an air of mystery to the scene. I couldn't help but wonder about the secrets being exchanged in those whispered words.

Standing at the altar, I watched as she approached, her petite figure almost dwarfed by the grandeur of the setting. It struck me how small she appeared, almost like a child taking hesitant steps into an unfamiliar world. Yet, there was a quiet determination in her eyes, a resilience that hinted at hidden strength.

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