Fogotten memory, that'll what I'll be.

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"Heartaches, Heartaches
My loving you meant only heartaches.
Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me,
I can't believe it's just a burning memory."
-Heartaches by Al Bowlly

It's the end, no?
I mean, neither of us are going to talk anymore at this rate.
I feel forgotten.
But what else can I do?
I know nothing anymore, you're no longer who I remember.
You've.. changed. Quite an awful lot. Comparing how we talked a month back.

Sometimes, I had a feeling you must've bewitched me with some spell to make me so attached to you.
Like how Roderigo told a tale to Brabantio, leading him to believe that Othello had bewitched his own daughter into marrying him.

I remember how excited I was when I told most of my friends and my family about how close we were.
But now, I'm just some gas to you, you breathe me in, then you let out the air so easily
To me, you were addicting like a cigarette. I can't believe how attached I was of you.
Quite a shame how this became of us.

Your name and our memories of our time will stay with me.
Just like how it was mentioned in the Sonnet by Shakespeare 104 line 1,

"To me, fair friend, you can never be old."

Till that day, I'll wait for you.
After all, I did promise to meet you, no?

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