Chapter 11

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Baldwin was sitting in his office with his hands in this head, he had no idea what he was doing, he wanted to leave, to go to his Aspen, to have what Matthew could get. It was strange he had never felt jealous of Matthew in his life and now Aspen was here and yet so far away from him, while Matthew, though being an utter idiot could be with his mate with no issues because he was protecting him, he was taking charge. He heard from Matthew that Aspen was not answering his calls. He had deliberately ignored when she called him, he knew if he heard her voice, just once he would leave, turn his back on everything, just for her. So here he was exhausted and his phone rings. He looked over and saw her name flash on the screen of his phone. Baldwin had no idea what to do, he wanted to hear her voice, to know she was okay, after the briefest conversation with her yesterday, the pain in his chest only tightened and he couldn't resist. Not any longer. He hesitantly picked up and answered. "Aspen to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked trying but most definitely failing to keep the worry from his tone. He heard her huff a chuckle and he couldn't help but smile. "You called me Baldwin, four times." She said and he could see the small smile that would be on her face, he sighed and shut his eyes as he leant back in his chair. "Matthew was worried, thought you would answer me. How was your night out with Hamish and his sister?""How do you know that I was out with Hamish?""Spies everywhere." He heard her laugh and smiled to himself. "Kidding, Matthew told me when he asked me to phone." "Well, then I won't say I had the best night in the arms of a total stranger then." It took all his energy not to growl, he knew it was a joke, but vampire natures were possessive over mates, but Aspen didn't need to know that yet. "It was fine, I drank way to much, I think Felicity and Hamish forgot we were not in university any more. Now I've got a splitting headache and I have to face your brother, his best mate and his son who does not like me." "I would say I am sorry, but that would be lying." He laughed and he heard her groan. "God, you won't let me forget this will you?" "Oh no, When I have dealt with the shit here. I'll meet you at Sept Tours and I'll show you a proper night out in any city you wish.""Is that a promise? Tell me Baldwin, how will this so called night end." He shivered as he thought of all the ways the night would end, he knew she was baiting him and he wouldn't tell her yet, not over the phone. He would whisper the promises she wanted when they were alone, when they didn't have to worry about the congregation, the book of life, or Knox. "I won't disclose all my secrets miss Proctor, not until we are properly alone." He knew he was going into dangerous territory, he knew that was a secret he could not properly keep, not yet anyway. "You, are no fun." And he could see her pouting in his mind. "You have met my family, there has to be one of us that is serious." Causing her to snort. "I have met Ysabeau you know but this is besides the point. Now we are on speaking terms, can you read my manuscript, I finished it last night before being ambushed, I was not sure if you wanted to hear from me, so did not send it." She said nervously. Baldwin couldn't help but get the urge to bang his head against the desk, he was an idiot when it came to deal with Aspen. He was trying to protect her and his family, he couldn't have both, but he knew, like Matthew did, that they would protect the Bishop-Proctor's above all else, because love and mate bonds make all other duty, honour and self preservation go out of the window. "Of course, send it over, I'll read it through later." He said and he heard her hum. "Thank you Baldwin. Not just for being my proof reader, but for everything. You saved my life I do not think I can ever say that enough. Or repay you for that." "You don't need to." He muttered quickly, he didn't like the idea that Aspen felt like he owed him something. "But...""No buts, but if you insist on being stubborn, I wouldn't mind one of your landscapes." "I thought you said no buts." He laughed as he heard a knock on the door. "True, look I have to go, send me the manuscript." He said. "Right, will do sir." She said as she caught on to his idea, if it was Gerbert or Domenico then there would be bigger issues for them to face. He disconnected the call and schooled his features as he stood, he suspected that the knock was to tell him a meeting was to be called. He pulled open the doors to see Gerbert standing there as he glared. "Let's go, now that Domenico has licked his wounds." Baldwin gave a curt nod and shut the door to his office. They walked through the winding corridors. He heard the quiet whispers of the others before he saw them, Agatha was worried about there control and Aspen and her sister. The witches wanted the book and Diana Bishop under their control, that was interesting to him, because by all accounts she had little ability. There was something bigger Knox was planning and he feared for Aspen, because if they even learnt the truth everyone would be in danger. They rounded the corner. "Shall we." He said, brushing past them and pushing the doors open and everyone filed in. As they sat down, Knox called the meeting to ahead. He brought up Gillian Chamberlain. He knew this was coming, Matthew had told him about the witch broaching on vampire property and it was within the rules, but it gave ammunition for Knox and another thing for him to misdirect. "Did you get Diana?" Knox asked Domenico."No, Matthew refused to let her leave, along with her little sister." He said as he gazed over to Baldwin, and he remained neutral. "Did you know Aspen Proctor was there?" "No, I suspect she arranged to meet them once she left Venice." He replied icily as they all stared at him, he heard Gerbert scoff slightly but say nothing, out of everyone, he was the threat, he was the one that could spill about Aspen. "Well then, I demand that Diana and Aspen be removed from the clutches of the De Clermont family and be brought back to the witches." Baldwin tried not to scoff. Aspen would never go near the witches and Knox and he doubted her sister would either, after all it was common knowledge now that they turned their back on their species. "Last night the equilibrium between species was further threatened when Matthew de Clermont brutally attacked a witch." A hush fell over all of them as they all turned to him. This was the first time one species had attacked another in a long time, he knew Matthew left her alive but he suspected the Oxford coven leader did something under Knox's orders. "Gillian Chamberlain was attacked because she was trespassing on vampire territory. Rules are rules." He stated simply, he was right, it was in the rules for a species to defend their own territory especially when it was broken into by another. "We won't survive if the vampires continue to abuse their power in the Congregation." Agatha exclaimed leaning forward earning a rumble of agreement through out the room. "Careful, Agatha." He warned shooting her a look. He knew she had to realise sooner or later they were not necessarily the enemies, that he wanted this gone and put in place a better system, without the influence of Knox or Gerbert. "We must question Diana and Aspen Bishop. And bring Matthew de Clermont to account." Knox stated ignoring Agatha, Baldwin knew what Knox didn't the demons where far more powerful if you anger them, and with Agatha in charge, he knew sooner or later they would come to overthrow the power imbalance. "I offer my services to retrieve the witches. Be assured, I can be a little more persuasive than Domenico." Gerbert sneered, Baldwin shuddered, he remembered what he did to Aspen a thousand years ago, and he knew of the rumours of a witch kept in his thrall, and he would not let him get that close to Aspen again. "We can't leave the responsibility of their retrieval in the hands of just one creature. A representative from each species should go to Sept Tours." declared Agatha. He was growing frustrated, he should have gone the first time. "Sept Tours is my property." He snapped. "I will not have a swarm of creatures invading my home. I will go and get Diana Bishop and Aspen Proctor myself." He declared, he glared around the chamber as everyone nodded, they all knew the rules after all Gillian Chamberlain was a prime recent example and he wouldn't be hesitant to kill whoever intruded. He stood "This is over, I have business to attend to before retrieving them, both girls will be fine for a day or two." He stormed out and decided to go to his home. He could think better when not threatened with Gerbert or even Domenico walking in. He stormed into his office, ignoring his sisters and them shouting about something he should know. He slammed his office door shut when he registered four people standing round. He growled as he walked to his decanter and poured himself a generous glass of whisky, before turning to glare at them, he didn't have the energy. "What are you all doing here?" He snapped as he slumped into his chair. "I believe this is when a family meeting would be called, we are finally in her time and you sent her off, I thought you better than that." he shrugged, his riding leathers making an awful scratching noise as he shrugged. "Oh, aye, but when she remembers, at the minute, she is getting flashes of our past, imagine how overwhelming it would be if we were all there acting like we knew here better than the family she knows at the minute." Baldwin sighed. "She will remember though? She will remember right dad?" He turned and smiled softly at his daughter. "Of course Annie, remember she has yet to travel back yet, but it has to be soon. I hate to say this, I know how much you love her, same goes for you Jack, but go with father Hubbard, it won't be for long, a few months I think, she will need space and then we can be a proper family again, if Matthew and Fernando ever forgive me." He muttered. The two barely out of teenage-hood vampires nodded. "Nothing is permanently ruined, it will simply take time to heal. I will welcome the children happily into my flock again." The father said with the same surely look he always wore. "Thank you. Now go spend time with the others. I will join after I sort some business out." The three men nodded, knowing that disobeying would only cause them trouble but of course his daughter stayed, the one person he could never be angry with, well aside from Aspen. "Can you tell me about mum? You rarely speak of her these days." She asked slowly and carefully, and Baldwin instantly hated himself more, his daughter should never fell cautious to ask about her, and yet he never freely spoke, more often than not the memories of Aspen and his father were too much to handle. "Of course, did I ever tell you of the time she helped the Empress Matilda escape Oxford only to be caught." He said almost in a whisper as he steadied himself to tell the story. Annie sat down and shook her head. Though he knew it was a lie, he had told her numerous times and yet she always had the smile and look of anticipation in her eye as he began the tale. "I was working as a knight under King Stephan, his best in fact. I was away from Oxford when the escape took place, but your mother and time walked into the middle of the conflict and without question sided with the first queen of England." He stared at her portrait of them that hanged on the wall imagining she was here with them. That night after spending the day with his family and shouting at his poor secretary while he had to deal with business, the market was ever fluctuating and his associates seemed completely useless, what made him hire them he didn't know. He finally packed and was about to leave when a crisis erupted, sighing he went back to work, another day and he would finally see her again he assured himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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