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"And you know what's funny? he said that to me!!! He's such a bad friend.." Felix said with his mouth full with food. Jisung nodded before he looked toward the entrance of the cafeteria to see a tall brown haired guy..

pointy nose, perfectly plump upper lip, beautiful brown narrowed eyes.. at this point Jisung was drooling.

Obviously everyone else was looking at the mysterious guy since he was really attractive. The mystery guy just scoffed and left the cafeteria leaving everyone quiet.

Jisung thought to himself.. fuck he's hot.. his perfect siren eyes.. pointy and straight nose, his beautiful soft brown hair, everything about him was perfect.. especially his lips.. and his muscular-

"Jisung? Jisung!!" Felix interrupted. Jisung flinched and jumped out his thoughts before looking at Felix and realizing he was actually drooling..

Jisung quickly wiped the drool off before sitting up straight, clearing his throat. "Uhm yes..?"

"Looks like someone has a new crush~" Felix teased as he winked and nudged him

"Sh-shut up lix.. and no I d-don't have a crush on anyone!!" Jisung 'corrected'

"Sure you don't.. anyways! About ____ on how they're a bad friend" Felix said before yapping about the person. Jisung just zoned out, thinking about the mystery guys lips.. and about how they fit his perfectly..


"Eughhh my body already hurts and I didn't even enter dance class.." Jisung mumbled to himself before entering the practice room.

He sat on the chair in the corner of the practice room as he looked around the room that's filled with mirrors on every wall (just like the skz practice room jsyk).

Jisung reached over to the pocket of his sweater and pulled up his sweater paws, unlocking his phone and scrolling through his emails before someone opened the door making Jisung flinch. "Wha- be careful next!-..time.."

Jisung got a good look at the person just to see that it's the mystery guy that he had been crushing on since  - hours ago.

"W-what brings you h-here..?" Jisung immediately went shy and timid once he saw him. "Uhm. To sign up?" The guy said coldly.

"I- w-what's your name..?" Jisung asked. Well he wasn't asking cause he needed to fill his delusions but he actually needed it to sign up.

"Would you stop stuttering? It's annoying. The names Lee Minho by the way." Minho said, looking annoyed.

"Ah- s-sorry.. I-i can't control m-myself..." Jisung said hiding his face with his fluffy bangs.

"Well are you going to sign me up? I don't have all day.." minho rolled his eyes. "Oh- shit- uhm- I forgot.. s-sorry.." Jisung immediately turned and took the application papers from the table beside the chair and wrote Minhos name.

"Y-you can start tomorrow.. I'm the p-president of this class by the way.. I'll make sure to tell Mr.Soh"
Jisung said before looking away.

"Whatever.. what time should I come tomorrow?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow. Jisung just stood there admiring Minhos beautiful features.. specifically staring at his beautiful lips..

"Are you going to answer me? or.." Minho said before getting cut off. "Ah- uhm- what was your question..?"

Minho scoffed and stepped closer to jisung, just a few inches away from him.. Minho looked down at Jisung before placing his index finger on jisungs chin, lifting his head up. "Focus. I'm not talking to the wall" Minho said looking straight into jisungs eyes.

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