wolf man

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Third person pov

Levi is fixing his lacrosse net and he heard his phone go off and it was a text from stiles

Text will be in bold

Stiles: hey are you up

Levi: no I am laying in my bed yes I am up

Stiles: ok well you did not need to be sarcastic about that is my thing

Levi rolled his eyes and got out of bed and pulled his hoodie over his head and grabbed his phone then he opened his door the picked his head out and saw that his parents are asleep then he walked quietly down the stairs and out the door then he got on his bike then he drove to the persevere and as he is driving he got hit by a figure and he rolled down the hill then he laid there groaning in pain then he got up and limped towards his bike and pulled it up and he tried to get on but he felt a burning and sharp pain in his bicep then he clenched his teeth to not scream and the figure he saw before it ran off had glowing red eyes and then when he saw the figure on all fours and it stalked towards the Garcia and he ran away then he stopped and it started raining and a green jeep stopped in front of Levi with its lights shining in his face then to doors opened and Izzie and fern walked out and now sara his cousin walked out to then the three walked over and sara's boyfriend that Levi hated with a passion then he couldn't focus right now so he just got into the jeep and sara put his bike in the trunk

On the car ride home

Levi stayed silent and Izzie thought this is different Levi then the one me Lindsay and fern are used to then they showed up and now Amelia is in her night robe while javi is in shorts and a muscle shirt then Levi sighed and walked past them and javi got a whife of werewolf cause one he Is the black ranger and is also a werewolf while Amelia got the werewolf bite after she gave birth to Levi and was about to die giving birth to there son and Laura hale had to give Amelia the bite then Levi is human or so they think then Amelia left to help her son

Amelia pov

I left to see what is wrong with Levi then I look through his cracked door and see a bite mark on his bicep then after that I walked down and now I grabbed coffee cause I know we are not going back to sleep then after that Levi came back down and sat on the couch and sat there rubbing his arm and now I sighed cause one he has anger issues and now this just makes it worse then javi said babe it is ok then after that we all went to sleep

Third person pov

Levi woke up and now he took a shower then changed into faded blue skinny jeans and put on a black t shirt and walked out and down stairs then he put a new bandage on his arm then he threw his bag on his shoulder then he put his shoes on and walked out towards the kitchen and ate then left for school then he saw Scott and stiles he walked over and as he is walking over whitmore drove and tried to hit Levi but he moved out of the way then he sighed and walked away then he said hey guys then Scott said hey man you ok from last night then he said yeah I just got bite then Scott said me to then the three teens walked in and now they sat in class and Levi heard like the sound of drums then he shook his head then after that he heard the bell ring then he got up and now he walked over to the his friends and now they walked in and now they sat in there seats and Levi was hearing the sound of drums and now he shook his head then after that they are in the hallway and Levi could hear the new girl talking to Lydia martian and it is like they are right to them then after that he thought this weird then there friend said some one want to explain how the new girl is here only two minutes and is already in Lydia's click then Levi said don't know don't care then sara walked over and said hey cuz then he Levi said hey then after that they walked out and now Levi stiles and Scott are on the lacrosse field and now coach said maccall your goalie then Scott walked over and stood in front of the goal and Levi is up first and coach blew his whistle and Levi along with Scott grabbed there ears then after that Levi caught the ball in his lacrosse net and ran then spun past the first player and then did a flip over the second and then landed on his feet and ran then he brought his stick up and threw it forward then the ball did a curve and went past Scott and into the goal then Levi stood there shocked and now he smirked then he went to the back of the line then Scott caught all the other ones including Jackson's then everyone is cheering then Levi and Scott hit there sticks together then walked over to stiles and now practice is over and the three friends plus Levis cousin is there as well then Scott said it is like I had all the time in the world then Levi said i was already good at lacrosse but I feel like it is amplified then they nodded and Scott said that is not the only thing I can hear things smell things then Levi said me to then sara said so all this started with the bite then they nodded and now Scott said that is weird my inhaler is here then after that Levi sensed something or more like someone is there then sara tapped Scott and stiles shoulders and Levi had this look on his face that said I remember you then sara said Levi you ok then he said yeah then they all saw a man standing there and he walked over and said what are you guys doing here this is private property then Levi said sorry man we are just leaving then Levi grabbed sara and left the other two then they got on Levis bike and rode home then they parked the bike in the garage and now they walked in

Sara pov

Me and Levi walked in and we saw my boyfriend that I really want to break up with cause he does not show any love at all when there are other girls around he just acts like I don't exist and now aunt Amelia and uncle javi saw us along with Justin then aunt Amelia said how was school today Levi said good great actually I made the lacrosse team then Justin said yeah I just think that this is the stupid there is no way you where able to pass me and another player by jumping over and Levi had this look where he wants to rip Justin's head off and knowing how much I would love for my cousin to rip Justin's head off I don't want him to go to jail then after that I walked over to Levi and I grabbed his hand and unclenched his hand then intertwined my fingers with his then Justin said Lindsay get away from him then I threw my over in his direction then I said no I will not get away from cousin then Justin walked and yanked my arm then I said let go of my arm then he squeezed it and I winched in pain then Levi grabbed his wrist and removed his hand from my wrist and now Justin grunts in pain then Levi said you ever cause my cousin pain again and I will rip your throat out then he backed away then I swear I saw golden yellow in Levis eyes then he closed his eyes and they are back to electric blue then I smiled and hugged my cousin then we went to his room and now we sat there and I went over to his laptop then I looked up something while Levi went to the his bathroom that is connected to his bedroom and he said what the then I got up from the chair I was sitting in and walked into his bathroom and he said look at my arm then I saw his arm it is completely healed then he sighed and now he took his shirt off and I saw his six pack and his tone chest then I blushed and I thought why am I blushing then I said I will continue my research on what is going on with you then he nodded

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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