Episode #45 : The Light In His Life

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Suman observed Abhimanyu as they both walked out of the house. His mood was spoiled and it was practically written on his face. As he moved towards the car to take it out, she held his bicep and stopped him.

He turned and looked at her in askance. She raised her other hand that was holding his bike keys and gave them a jingle.

His creased forehead smoothened as he understood her meaning. “But what will your family say that I am making you travel on the bike...” - he said with a little hesitance.

Suman smiled. He was upset at the moment so his brain was making up negative theories. Because he also knew how much she loved their bike rides. Roaming the roads on bike on their Sunday dates was her favourite ritual now which she had vowed to continue all their life.

His outstretched arm between them dangled again as she moved closer to him, intertwining their hands. “They will think their son-in-law loves their daughter so much that can't bear any distance between himself and her. Even if the distance is of mere car seats.” - she said, blinking exaggeratedly.

He at last chuckled. His shoulders losing the tension. “Where's the lie ?”

She chuckled as well. “It's decided then. We'll go on your bike.”

He smiled warmly and took her other hand in his, intertwining them as well. “Our bike.”

Her insides warmed up. Making someone feel special with the smallest of things was a talent only Abhimanyu Birla had.

Tiptoeing, she placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. His lashes fluttering did inexplicable things to her heart.

“Let's go.” - she whispered.

Abhimanyu took the bike out. Suman sat behind him but this time hung both legs at one side due to the frock.

“Comfortable ?” - he asked, looking at her through the mirror.

Suman got a deja vu of their walk from the camp to her hostel. He had asked the same when drapping his shawl around her. And the smile on Abhimanyu's face at the moment told her he was remembering the same.

She placed her hands on his shoulders, a pleased look on her face. “Very.”

His smile widening, he started the bike before they were off for their destination.

Unaware, that a pair of eyes watched them go through the window of a car.



“What do you mean he left ? Didn't you tell them the commissioner is coming ?!” - Harshwardhan thundered as Manjiri informed him and the family about the newly wedded couple's departure.

Mahima smirked. So at last, everything went the way she had wanted.

Manjiri gulped. “I did but-”

“But he didn't listen to you.” - Mahima interrupted, shaking her head. “Do you remember it ever happening Manjiri ? A time where you asked Abhimanyu of something and he refused ?” - Mahima asked. “Not a day into the marriage and he has changed.” - she sighed, feigning disappointment.

Manjiri went into thinking. It was the truth. Abhimanyu had never refused her anything ever before. Whether agreed over the matter or not, he always listened to her just for her sake. So what changed now ? Was it really because of Suman ?

“Of course! It was his precious wife's family dinner. How can he miss it ?” - Harshwardhan snarked. “He doesn't care if his father faces humiliation before such a VIP personality!”

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