Chapter 21: Omamori charm (Protection amulet)

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This morning, while sitting in the club room organizing documents to make it in time for the literature club, Kanon noticed Suoh returning to the room in a dazed state. Kanon blinked her eyes, wondering if something had happened. She decided to call out:


No response.


Still no answer.

"Oh my goddes, it's wisteria fairy over there!"

As soon as she said that, Kanon was startled because Suoh's shadow was still there, but Suoh himself had swiftly appeared in front of her.

"What did you say? Do you know her? Is she playing the flute?"

"What do I know? I was calling your soul back to your body, senpai. Haven't you heard the legend of the wisteria fairy? It is said that anyone who sees her will find their other half and experience eternal love. And if you call out her while longing for someone, you will regain your clarity of mind."

The first half of the sentence is true, but the second half is completely made up, and that made-up story was so obvious so that even Nokoru and Akira, who just stepped into the room, were dazzled and almost slipped and fell. Yet, Suoh, who had been oblivious to his own longing, earnestly interrogated Kanon to ease his heart:

"So... is the wisteria fairy real?"

Oh my goodness, Kanon would like to add that it wasn't just the IQ and EQ of girls when it came to love that went offline, but also those of boys. However, cold-faced Suoh's expressions and behavior were truly adorable beyond measure, no wonder Nokoru enjoyed teasing Suoh like this.

"Yes, it is true, just like... Rokurokubi, Yukionna, and Ameonna*, you know"

Blood rushed to Suoh's head, his face turning dark as he realized he had been tricked by his kouhei. He quickly turned back to his desk and coincidentally bumped into Nokoru, who had been trying to escape from work and was holding a vase of wisteria flowers. This time, it was his turn to almost fall. It seemed that what you sow is what you reap, but, well, using this phrase here felt a bit off.

After regaining his composure, Suoh hesitated and asked Nokoru:

"Kaichou! This flower..."

"I saw the wisteria tree near the archery ground blooming so beautifully that I asked the botanical club for a branch to put it on my desk."

Then, with great concern, Nokoru turned to Kanon:

"Kanon-chan, would you like me to place it on your desk?"

Kanon twitched her mouth, 'Has he never heard the legend of the wisteria flower or something?' and instead of asking him about it, she stared at the charming and adorable face of Nokoru, who seemed confused and flustered:

"What?... Did I say something wrong again?"

Only then did Kanon let go and tactfully declined:

"Kaichou, next time, don't casually give wisteria flowers to any girl and ask so confidently like that. Well, for you, boys should be considered. Do you know the meaning behind giving wisteria flowers?"

Nokoru was taken aback, he knew the meaning of the wisteria flower but he was unaware of the act of giving flowers so he showed a learning attitude. Akira, curious, also chimed in:

"What is it, Hanazaki?"

"It means 'I'm waiting for your answer' for my confession, of course" – Kanon smiled gently.

The entire student council room fell silent, sweating profusely. It was just a flower, was it really that big of a deal? But it was fortunate that they knew now, so they wouldn't die without knowing why they died. Nokoru trembled and confidently placed the vase of flowers on his own table, with a determined look in his eyes "Having Kanon-chan in the student council is truly refreshing and enlightening."

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