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"I'm not going."

"You're late, miss García." Mi journalism history professor's low voice echoes.


He is wearing a baby blue shirt tucked underneath some beige pleated pants. He stares at me over his glasses, amused, right before putting both arms over his desk. I hurry to my seat, next to Ruby, and I receive a (fake) smile from Lydia, who's sitting behind me, arms crossed. The popular girl and also most of the teachers' favourite. She's the most false and artificial person that I've truly ever met, hiding her insufferable and competitive personality under a pretty smile and a fake nice behaviour.

I force myself not to gag and smile back.

Now that I'm sat, I peak outside the window. I observe the campus' green fields, crowded as always, alongside the earth paths that guide to the different university's buildings. The blinds in the room are all completely open, letting an excessive amount of light, which makes it difficult for me to open my eyes.

"Alright, so now that we're all here, I think it is time to tell you what we, the teaching staff, have been planning." His already red nose brightens even more as he as he rises his near-bald head, kindly smiling at us.

For some reason he's my favourite teacher. He has always enjoyed what he does and appreciates his students, even though he knows when to get severe and get us to work.

Some classmate shouts: "Is it Vinícius Jr, professor?"

Stanley laughs at the comment, and eventually opens up his laptop, projecting his mail inbox. He then clicks on a message and I squint my sleepy eyes, trying to read what it says.

No. Fucking. Way.

It says: From Real Madrid.

I immediately see Ruby turning around, mouthing "NO WAY" to me.

"So, as you might know very well, Edgewood University collaborates, no more no less, with the official Real Madrid football team." He begins to explain, smiling. "But... what I'm about to tell you might not be what you were expecting."

After a very long and unnecessary dramatic pause, he proceeds. "I know this is what most of you thought this was going to be about, or at least you hoped, but we are not going to receive a visit from any prestigious player." He is pacing back and forth, and suddenly he stops and turns aroud at us, spicing up the situation even more.

Complete silence.

"Instead, all of you will have the privilege..." Another dramatic pause. "To attend to the team's next press conference!"

Right after he announces the news to us, the class bursts in commotion and chatting. Everyone seems to be excited and shocked about it... except me.

Laughing at our reaction, he keeps talking. "Next week, we will all be taking a flight to Madrid to go see the famous Clásico against our old time rival, Barcelona. All of us are invited to attend the pre-match and post-match press conference. You'll be able to ask a couple of questions, if you are lucky enough, but remember that we are only guests. Pay attention to every single detail, because I can assure you that you'll never have an opportunity like this again...!"

Just then, Lydia's hand rises, as she smiles innocently.

"Tell me, Lydia."

"So, professor, as you've told me many times that I'm good at formulating and asking questions, can I volunteer to be the one from the class who's going to be answering them?"


"I can see where you want to go with this, but unfortunately this time not everyone present in the press will be able to speak, given that there will be a lot more people than normal." He pauses, thinking. "Normally, you would all be able to ask a couple of questions to each player that comes to the press, but in this case, within both pre- and post-match conferences, only a couple of you will have the opportunity to talk to some of them."

"Right, okay."

Mr. Stanley, after calming down the commotion among the students, tells us all we need to know. The meeting time, tickets, how much luggage to bring... After the class comes to an end, the only topic of conversation is next week's match.

At least, a part of that trip would be positive: I would watch my favourite team, Barça.

On the other hand, I would have to interview the players from the opposite club, Real Madrid, which I've always despised with all my heart and soul.

I get out of the campus with Ruby, who's literally shaking, frantic.

"We are literally going to witness a Clásico!! She yells, causing a group of girls to turn around as we walk by them.

"Sorry..." I look back, trying to apologize. "This is way worse than I imagined. I am going to have to travel just to see them... which is humiliating. But... there is one good thing about this match though... that I'm going to see my team!" Right after that, I start singing Barça's anthem.

"Do you want to get slapped in the face?"

"You know what? I will also wear my t-shirt."

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh yes, i would." I laugh, recreating the match in my mind. "There's one thing though that really pushes me to go to that match," i say, teasing Ruby. "Do you want to know what?"

"Oh shut up."

"I want to see all of this damned university's faces when your dear invincible club loses...!" She immediately hits me with her purse, unsuccessfully trying to seem irritated. "Oh, and poor Lydia, her world fell apart to her now that she has only a slight chance to talk to Jude Bellingham. I almost felt pity for her."

"No matter how much I support my team, she will always have a special place in my heart where to be hated."

"See, this is what unites us and motivates us to keep going..."

"Wow. Inspiring... You're gonna make me cry...!"

We arrive to the metro station and get on our separate ways. I get down on Piccadilly Circus and get home, exhausted.

What a long day.

The first thing I do when I get home is going straight ahead to the shower, to clear my thoughts and process the huge amount of information I've received throughout the morning. Steaming hot water runs against my naked back and I try to organize my thoughts and to relax even for a minute.

I have no idea how to feel.

Probably annoyed would be the most accurate feeling, but the fact that I will go and see a Clásico is another whole level. What I feel is excitement. I have no doubts about going on that trip, otherwise, I feel confident that we are going to win, as we have done so many times.

Interviewing some assholes won't be a problem, right?

(CHAPTER 3 on its wayy sorry a lot of exams)

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