Greener Pastures

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"Jake! Jake! Are you in there?" a voice echoed from the upstairs, sending shivers down my spine. It was Mel's dad.

"Yes, I'm in here. I'm coming," I muttered, my voice quivering with a mix of fear and uncertainty, the line between reality and nightmare blurring.

As I cautiously climbed the stairs, each step felt heavier, as if the house itself was holding its breath in anticipation. In the living room, Mel's parents sat watching to, their gazes piercing through the screen.

"You better not have a girl down there, Jake," Mel's dad's voice sliced through the air, and giving a little chuck .Her mother smiled. "Of course, sir," I responded.

"Good. We are going out tomorrow to a fun fair, if you wanna come," his invitation sounded warm.

"I'm good. Thank you. I am going to visit a family relative at a retirement home to shed some light on my family," my words carried a hidden truth. The need for rest clashed with the urgency to save Mel, a battle of light and shadow playing out in my mind.

"Okay, just as long as you don't stay indoors for long," his voice carried a subtle concern.

"Yes. I'm going to lie down a bit, I've a headache," my words were tinged with weariness, a veil of secrecy shrouding my true intentions.

Descending into the basement, hours slipped by like elusive specters, each moment pregnant with unanswered questions that hung heavy in the stale air.

Sleep deprivation gnawed at my mind, my energy dwindling like a dying ember. With each furtive glance out the small basement windows, I searched for signs Mel, a sense of foreboding creeping over me like a chilling breeze. Thankfully, the windows revealed no lurking shadows.

Day 3:

Hurrying upstairs at the sound of the departing car, I quickly brewed a cup of coffee, the aroma swirling in the air like a haunting melody. A sudden ring at the door pierced the silence, prompting caution as I stood frozen, wary of unexpected visitors.

With a hesitant hand, I opened the door to reveal Elaine, her presence commanding the room with an air of confidence.

"I see you have already made yourself comfortable. Move," she asserted, her tone sharp and unwavering.

"What are you doing here, what if Mel's parents were around!" I questioned, a hint of worry lacing my words.

"I know you think I am, but I'm not dumb. I saw them driving away," she retorted, her sass cutting through the tension.

"Oh," my response faltered, uncertainty clouding the room.

"Yeah oh. Was it all worth it Jake? Now you are living here comfortably while my friend has disappeared to god knows where," her accusation hung heavy in the air, a weight on my conscience.

"You know that wasn't my intention. Even if I try to explain, you still not lending me an ear," I defended, the truth buried beneath layers of misunderstanding.

"I was not born yesterday. I know you are lying. I've always been right about your kind. Small boys that put girls in valuable positions to pretend to 'save them'. Who gave you the right to take Mel's life? Did her parents give you?" Elaine's accusations cut through the air like a sharp blade, her words heavy with suspicion and anger.

"Listen Elaine, I know you are very close to Mel, but please show some understanding. I know this all points to me and I might've not been sensitive when I took the decision to let Mel go ahead, but I too feel some regret," I responded, my voice tinged with a mix of guilt and defensiveness.

"Now tell me Jake, if you were in Mel's shoes were you gonna take the same decision?" Elaine pressed, her tone demanding an honest answer.

"I believe so," I replied, the weight of my choices evident in my words.

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