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"Welcome to the outer banks, Cleo" Pope says as we arrived outer banks "you're crazy, Pope. Your parents are not going to appreciate me shacking up" Cleo says

"Of course they will. Are you kidding? Heyward might put you to work, but we could always use the help" Pope says

"You're back in outer banks, Aren't you excited?" I says as I walks besides Jay, but he doesn't answer, it looks like he's drowning in his thoughts

"Jay?" I asks "huh?" He says zoning in "what's up?" I asks "nothing" he shrugs "come on, what's going on?" I asks

"What's going on? My dad is gone and I am basically homeless, I have no place to go" he says,

"Shit, I am sorry we only talked about my shit. I didn't even think about that" I says "it doesn't matter, I'll think of something. Maybe I can still live in my old house" he says

"I wasn't apologising because you have no place to go, I was apologising because it wasn't obvious for you that you're coming to my house. I am sorry I didn't offered that earlier, there was so much to catch up with" I says and he stops walking

"What?" He says "I am sorry that you were worried about that, but you got nothing to worry about, my mom loves you. And she's back to her old self" I says

"Are you sure it's fine?" he asks before I pulls him into a hug "everything will be alright, I promise" I says

"Guys? Come on" Kie says, I pulls out of the hug and we both catch up with the others

"This is me, home sweet home" Kie exhales "damn Kiara, you love here? This is like the White House, man" Cleo says

"How bad you think it's gonna be?" Pope asks "scale of on to ten? Twenty" she answers

"Do you want us to hold up here?" Cleo ask "no... I gotta take this. Thanks for walking me" Kie says before walking away

"How are you?" I asks Jay as we walks to my house, after we got separated from Pope and Cleo

"I am fine, I am just a bit overwhelmed coming back to the obx" he says "I get it, but know you don't have your dad, maybe it will be better" I says "yeah" he says before we arrives at my house and knocks on the door

"Oh my god" she says as she opens the door and notices Jay "look who I found" I says before she hugs him

"It's nice to see you Sonia" Jay laughs "I am so glad to see you! Where have you been?" She asks as she lets us in

"She knows about the boat and the cross, you can tell her" I says and he nods "oh, uh... after we got away we reached a desert island, we spent the time there before Singh sent a plan to get us" he says

"Singh?" she asks "the one who I was meeting with. The deal was fake, the guy wanted some diary and they took the Pogues as well, that's how I found them" I says "well, I am glad you're home and everyone is safe" she says

"I also wanted to ask you if Jay could live with us, his dad got out of the island and he can't live alone" I says "I mean, of course. But he's staying in the guest room" she says "yeah, yeah sure" I says clapping "thank you Sonia" Jay smiles

"You can go take a shower, you have some clothes here you left at our last sleepover and we can go take more clothes from your house tomorrow" I says "that sounds good" he says

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