Chapter 31

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<Lorraine's POV>

Nadia's birthday party was a success. After the party, Ed suggested that we'd have a karaoke competition in the screening room, seeing as we got a karaoke set for Christmas.

We all were in the screening room, and yes, everyone, even Camilla.

"Who's going first?" Andrea asked, as she took a seat next to Carolyn. I feel like her relationship with her mom was closer than when it came to the other girls.

We all exchanged glances, and then Ed suggested that Camilla should go first, and she agreed.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up and got a mic for her, but she smiled at me when I handed it to her.

"What song you singing." I mumbled

We all stared at the possibilities, and then Carolyn suggested she should sing Clarity by Foxes feat Zedd.

I pressed play, and returned to my seat. She started singing and I turned around and looked at her.

"Did I turn off the guide setting?" I whispered to Carolyn.

"Yeah.. why?" She asked, and I looked back at Camilla.

"She's really good, she sounds exactly like foxes.." I said and Carolyn nodded, her eyes widened.

The 4:28 minute song ended, and Andrea volunteered to sing next.

I stood up and I chose a song for her. She sang Riptide.

She stared singing, and Carolyn looked at her suspiciously.

"Why the hell didn't I know that my kids could sing!" She whispered to me, and I shrugged and giggled. Andrea was so good, her voice was really calming, and it looked like Nadia enjoyed it, because she smiled the whole way through the song.

After Andrea, she said Carolyn should sing, and of course she agreed.

"But I'm picking a song for her!" Andrea said, and went and chose Almost Home by Mariah Carey.

When Carolyn heard the song, she almost flipped a shit because she couldn't hit the notes, but she did it anyway.

Andrea took a video of her mom, because she was actually singing it pretty well, she sounded exactly like Mariah. Andrea was really proud of her mom.

When she was done, she didn't even realize that her singing was flawless. Nancy went next, and she sand Not About Angels.

"Mommy! That was amazing!" Cindy said, after she handed the mic to Nancy, and she gave Carolyn a huge hug, and then soon all of her daughters and Roger were hugging her.

"I've got it on video mom! I'm going to post it on YouTube!!" Andrea said.

"Haha no you're not!" Carolyn said, but Andrea did it anyway.


Anyway, we all knew Nancy could sing, so we expected something spectacular, and that's what we got.. Her voice was like Andreas, it was calming, and Nadia was drifting to sleep, but she was still smiling.

"Ok, who's next?" Camilla asked.

"Lorraine and Ed can do a duet!" Violet suggested, and we both agreed. The only song we could do was "All we do" which wasn't a problem because we both loved the song.

"Hehehe relationship goals.." Andrea giggled.

Nadia sat in one of the big chairs, and she watched us in awe.

"All I did was fail today..." we sang the very last line of the song, and then we sat down, and Nadia tried to clap, but she ended up hitting her nose, she was too cute.

"Ok, Violet you're next!" I said and she looked scared, but she settled on Hey There Delilah.

She also had a really calming voice, which made Nadia fall asleep. I decided to take her to bed, so we wouldn't wake her.

I put her down onto her bed, and then when I turned around I saw Camilla standing at the door. Tears were streaming down her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, then she ran to the screening room.

I ran after her, and when I got there, she looked perfect, as if she wasn't crying at all. She was even dancing along with what had now turned from karaoke, to a dance competition, and of course she was slaying the rest of them.

She noticed I was staring at her, and she skiffed me, which didn't bother me, no matter how many shit looks she gave me, I'd always still consider her a lying slut.. and nothing was going to change my mind..


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