Chapter Nineteen

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She'd woken up confused and disorientated in the hotel room she had been lucky enough to find after she'd left Lando's. It had been nearly 4 am in Moncaco by the time she'd checked in and got into bed, and she had no idea what time it was even supposed to be in Miami. Her body had no idea what time zone it was supposed to be in.

It was the daylight that woke her in the end, she hadn't thought to shut the curtains when she'd arrived, just throwing herself into bed. She was exhausted from all the travel, but also the deflation of the reunion with Lando. She'd pictured about a million different scenarios in her head when she finally got to see him again, but not a single one of them had included him not even being willing to talk to her.

She was confused by his anger towards her. If anything, surely she should be the one out of the two of them that was angry. He was the one that had cheated on her and then forced her to fly halfway across the world to get some answers.

She crawled out of bed to find her phone charger and plugged her phone in, still harbouring some hope that perhaps he might've called or messaged her to say he was finally ready to talk.

It took a minute for the phone to gain enough charge to switch on, but there were no messages from Lando.

There were half a dozen increasingly irate messages from Cassie though, wanting to know why she'd been pictured at the airport in Nice and then arriving at a hotel in Monaco in the middle of the night. She didn't answer her. She'd talk to her later, once she'd got the full story from Lando. She had her suspicions but she needed to confirm it.

She headed to Instagram next, seeing that she had indeed been photographed walking down the street to the hotel dragging her suitcase like some sleep deprived zombie last night. She was amazed anyone had actually recognised her given she looked an absolute mess. There was all kinds of speculation online about the reason for her visit to Monaco and how this related to the end of her relationship with Lando. She supposed it would make a welcome break from them dissecting the new album and trying to figure out what was about him and what was about Joe.

She showered and got dressed, putting on her gym clothes and trainers. She tried to call Lando but got no answer, so she figured she'd head out for a run to try and clear her head. She put a cap and sunglasses on, hoping it would be enough to stop too many people from recognising her and headed out.

She'd been running for the best part of an hour when she finally stopped to catch her breath. She stood looking out over the marina, thinking back to the afternoon she'd spent out there with Lando. It felt like another lifetime ago.

"Hello." She almost jumped a foot in the air as someone came and leaned against the wall next to her. "I thought it was you."

She turned in surprise to see Daniel standing beside her. "You scared me."

"Sorry." He laughed. "I didn't realise it was you to start with, had to come back and do a double take."

"That was sort of the plan, I didn't want anyone to recognise me." She turned her attention back to the water in front of her. "I just wanted to get out and clear my head."

He nodded. "You here to see Lando?"

She nodded. "Well, I tried anyway. He doesn't really want to talk to me."

Daniel was frowning when he looked back at her. "He's done nothing but sulk and mope about the fact you wouldn't talk to him after what happened in the club. I find it hard to believe you came all the way here and he now won't talk to you."

"Maybe he's moved on." Hannah sighed.

"He hasn't, believe me." Daniel shook his head. "I was there, that night. Nothing happened. The whole thing was so weird. She just came out of nowhere and threw herself at Lando, then just disappeared again. The photos were taken right at the wrong moment. He pushed her off and went home alone. I don't think he's even spoken to her since."

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now