I bet you didn't know them words!...

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Well, to start it all off, this word basically describes my entire life. If you know me well, I'm sure you can confidently agree with me on this one... Limerence is the state of being infatuated or obsessed over someone or something, just like me with Gerard Way and MCR at the moment, and also that changes like every 6 months, but hey, this isn't about me... NEXT WORD!


Accismus is when someone turns something down, when they really actually want it, which is quite a common occurrence. Like when you're at a friends house and their mum asks you if you want an extra slice of pizza, and you say 'No,' because you don't want to seem greedy, but deep down you know you wanted that pizza.


A feeling that is short-lived. Can also describe a moment, too. Reminds me of when people say things like 'Ah, our luxurious holiday in Türkiye was so ephemeral, I do wish we could have stayed for even longer in our five trillion-star hotel'


This is when you stay away from something intentionally. For example, you might make a point to stay away from eating too much sugar or going on social media for ages in order to improve your mental health, this would be eschewing.


This word could be used to describe someone who is very calm, and doesn't seem bothered by things that may be concerns of other peoples day-to-day life.


I think we all relate to this one a lot. Clinomania is the reluctance to get out of bed. Hey, maybe one day you are just laying there thinking 'Ugh, just five more minutes,' and then you will know that you, my friend, are currently in a state of clinomania.


Anything that is a mixture of unrelated or seemingly unrelated things could be considered a melange. You could maybe describe a young teen's room as being a melange of posters and make-up.

Copious .

Copious is when you have a large amount of something. Like my copious amount of Taylor Swift posters *giggles in Taylor Swift shrine*. No but like, I have 80 TS posters...


Obfuscating is when someone makes something seem way harder than it actually is or needs to be.


You can use this word when talking about the sound of leaves rustling, or the wind passing through trees. How very aesthetic.


Have you ever made a mistake, but in the end your day was improved because of it? I might not seem to make sense there, but serendipity is like a happy accident. Maybe you're late to work - but you end up seeing a cute girl on the bus anyway and you become close friends


You may recognise this as that one band who did the 'WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP INSIDE!' song, and yes, I love Evanescence (Fallen is my favourite Evanescence album because I am basic), but do you actually know what evanescence means? Evanescence is the noun form of evanescent, which is passing out of sight or fading, which matches very well with the aesthetic of the band. 


To be irreverent is to show a lack of respect for things that are generally taken more seriously, I guess in a way it's similar to being flippant. Just like how my friends tend to be very irreverent towards the 9/11 attacks :< 

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