Not the best news, but not the worst news...

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To think that your whole world can be taken from you in a flash and there's nothing you can do about it. That's definitely what he was experiencing as he came back from his doctor's appointment in utter agony, only to find a strange sight. In the middle of the shared house, he had with his fiancé and their family was his fiancé holding what looked like an infant. 

“Hey Cross, come meet our new squad member” Wrecker teased, he was Hunter's older brother.

Walking over slowly, Crosshair could only cross his arms and stare down at the infant who was a baby girl looking about the age of one. She babbled away at him. He took no notice of the others all watching him or the fact that Hunter could only smile down at him, he however did take notice of a strange birthmark on the side of her neck. It took him a minute to realise who this was. 

“Don't freak out, she was left on our doorstep with a note directed at you, here…” Tech spoke up, Hunter's younger brother, he was married to Echo.

He barely took the letter as he read over the name on the envelope, he took notice of it being open. He glanced at Hunter who shrugged. 

“I opened it thinking I could read it but it's in another language and we didn't want to pry” Hunter explained, Crosshair barely nodded as he opened the letter only to see the foreign words of his birth language on the page. With a sigh he read over it and froze, his hand trembled slightly as he put the letter down and left the room. Tears slipped down his face as he headed for one place, his bedroom, without even thinking. He grabbed his bag and found his phone. 

On immediate action, he dialled a number and found he got no response. He tried again and again until someone appeared in his vision. 

“Cross?” It was his older brother. 

“She's dead…she's…the infant downstairs is my sister's…she asked me to….” 

“Wait, you have a sister?” Another voice joined in. 

“Wrecker, not now” Echo mumbled, wrapping up his baby brother who could only sob into his chest, “I've got you Cross, you are not alone” Echo whispered, frowning, Crosshairs family was very private for good reason. Echo's family had adopted him when he was very young and raised him.

Wrecker found himself smiling gently wrapping up Crosshair with his arms aiding his brother-in-law. Echo nodded in thanks as his eyes scanned the room only to land on a letter. He reached for it and went to read it when words stopped him. 

“There's nothing to get excited over, I lost it” Crosshair muttered, once his sobs had died down. Echo's eyes widened as he read over the words, ‘At sixteen weeks, no heartbeat’, further down was, ‘preparation for miscarriage amongst the body functions’. 

“You were?” Echo placed a hand against Crosshairs stomach. 

“I was but I didn't know until this morning. I took notice of not having a period and instead headed to the doctor's. There they pointed out the reason but…” Crosshair only curled further up. Echo sighed, wrapping up the younger man who held tightly to Echo's top.

“I’ve got you kid, we will get through this” Echo held tightly to Crosshair who pressed closer into his brother. 

“Please don't tell Hunter, he has enough…” 


“No, please don't…we've been fighting lately…I don't think…our relationship…is…” Crosshair tried to cover his words up with sobs as Echo held him tightly, he looked up sharing a nod with Wrecker who swore to this secret. 

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