Chapter 1 - The Eternal War

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The war between both Angels and Devils has been going on for many, many centuries. I've only been fighting in it for a few hundred years now. Expectedly, us Angels are stronger in singular power, but Devils are stronger in numbers. The seems to have no end, and yet, we keep getting sent to our demise.

This time, I've been sent to invade one of the small outer towers in the Lower World, and so, that is where I am off too now.

I walk down to the exit of the Upper World, the path clear, smooth and looking almost soft, "Hey, Equinox!" I hear being shouted from behind me, I turn and see an Archangel approaching me, "What is it?" I ask him. He looks slightly worried, "Where are you going? They don't usually send out High Class Angels, especially not alone?" I look at him, considering wether i should tell him or not. Looking down to his fearful look of plead, I cannot resist but too answer with the truth too comfort him, "I'm just going to invade the Lower World, I'll be back soon" I say with a gentle smile on my face, he nods and walks away. I continue walking, making my way to the Underworld.

Getting through the gates was not much of an issue. I flew toward the devil guarding the gate, impailing it's skull with my rapier. Making a sort of groaning sound, the devil fell to the groud. I crouched, taking the gate keys from it's waist and unlocking the door.

Walking through the Underworld was a horrible experience, the vile smell of Devils always disgusted me. I walk across the fleshy landscape, the colour of red filling my eyes. My body was sweating profusely from thr magma. As I walked I attempted trying to keep my dress clean, to no avail.

Without warning, a devil jumps at me from behind, forcing me to the ground. I hear the grotesque squeches of it's flesh as it scratches me. Hearing the disgusting sounds i can tell this devil is low ranked. It's abnormal sounds prove this. As the devil claws at me, I manage to stand up and pierce it's small blob like body with my rapier.

As I continued to wander, further into hell, the stench of devil grew stronger. Slowly, I approached the tower I was sent to dismember.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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