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1886 May 10th

The day that a whole continent was waiting for. Hundreds of thousands traveled to Evyron for the coronation of the young king.

The location was the same as where Eliana was crowned as a princess, she and her lover were also brought in a golden carriage, and when they got out, nothing could be heard from the applause and cheering. The attendants helped carry the heir to the throne's huge velvet cloak, and he himself marched in front, a little nervous, but like his love, he went up to the podium bravely and confidently. After a long homily, the archbishop placed the crown on the King's head, and the golden apple and the scepter went into his hands. They all looked at him with tears in their eyes and pride, especially his mother, his little sister and, of course, his bride, in whose womb the fruit of their love was already growing, the next heir to the kingdom.

"Greet the new King of our Kingdom, his Majesty, King Kieran Edward Barnabas I.! God save the King!"

After the latter had been shouted aloud by everyone, the choir began to sing, and the king slowly retired with his entourage back to the palace to have his portrait painted.

It took more than 4 hours to be finished with that, and the new king got kind of tired from that whole day. He was excited to start his reign, but at the same time he was a little worried, but he knew that his mother would help him until he was completely used to it. After the huge celebratory dinner, he tiredly took the crown off his head and fell into bed.

"You're very tired tonight, aren't you, my king?" Eliana asked with a soft smile, caressing his chest next to him on the bed.

"It sounds so attractive from your mouth." He smiled, and pulled her closer for a soft kiss. "Yes, I'm very tired, my love."

"Let me help you change, then." She said, and helped him change into his pajamas, then hold him under the covers. "I'm very proud of you."

"And I'm proud of you. You'll be a great Queen." He smiled and rested his head on top of hers.

ELYSIAN - The Fate of the PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now