Sonnet 1

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"Echoes of the Night, Longing for Love's Release"

Upon the stage of night, where silver beams caress the world,
Two hearts, unsworn by day, in shadows find their hands unfurled.

Beneath the tapestry of stars, a symphony they compose,
Their love, a dance of light and dark, in night's sweet arms it glows.

The youth of twilight's kiss, with secrets yet untold,
In fleeting moments captured, their love begins to mold.

Each meeting stirs the depths, like waves upon the sand,
Their passion, an eternal flame, held in night's gentle hand.

So let their story linger, like the moon at dawn's first light,
A sonnet for the ages, in the stillness of the night.

Melancholic Melodies: Poem Of The NightWhere stories live. Discover now