Post Graduation- Final Chapter

241 11 10

: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

A young girl was dodging attacks as she blocked a kick and fell to the ground.

Girl: You could stand to go a little easier on me.

???: What would be the point in training if I did?

??? Offers his hand to her.

???: That's enough for today. Let's head back inside.

Girl: You're always like that Dad. Can't I give it another go?

Kiyotaka: You know how your mother gets when we're late to the table. Come on Kaname.

Kaname imagines her mother pissed off and shudders.

Kaname: Alright. Let's go eat.

They both sit down as there is also a boy sitting there and Suzune places down three plates for them.

Suzune: You decided to come on time for once.

Kiyotaka: How are your studies Kazuma?

Kiyotaka looks to the boy.

Kazuma: Top 20 in the nation as always Dad.

Kiyotaka: I see. Well done.

Kaname: Big deal when I'm number 1.

Kazuma: You little...!

Suzune: Kazuma. Kaname. Both of you mind your manners!

They stop instantly.

Kiyotaka: Kaname. Your talents are great in studies sure but can you could compete with Kazuma physically?

Kaname: I... No.

Kiyotaka: Bragging about 1 talent will get you nowhere. Don't focus on the weaknesses of others until you've eliminated them in yourself.

Kaname: I understand.

Kiyotaka: I heard you've attracted the attention of a team Kazuma.

Kazuma: Yeah. I'm still thinking it over.

Kiyotaka: That's fine.

Suzune returns with her own plate and they all start eating but after they are finished Kiyotaka stands up.

Suzune: Late night again?

Kiyotaka: No. Today I'll be back early.

Suzune: I'm glad.


Kiyotaka arrives at a facility and meets with Yagami.

Yagami: You're too easy on them Ayanokoji.

Kiyotaka: How many times must I tell you? I've taken my wife's name so refer to me as Horikita.

Yagami: That's not happening.

Kiyotaka- How annoying.

Kiyotaka: It's already obvious that the threat of death or corporal punishment is not required to access the potential of these students. Many of them are already on par with Amasawa.

Yagami: This system you created is interesting. Even more effective than the WR.

Kiyotaka: However it isn't able to produce people on the level of you Chiori or me.

Yagami: It could have if you had enrolled those 2!

Kiyotaka: I won't have my own children be part of an experiment.

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