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I was sitting on the floor of Nate’s closet trying to pack up his things. He had to be out of the apartment by the end of the week, and he had really been putting it off. I was there to help him finish up. Gosh my legs are cramping, I thought. You really ought to stand up. You’ve been sitting there for an hour, I scolded myself. Then I smiled, I really had been at this too long if I was yelling at myself.  I heard Nate come into the room, and I turned to face him.
“Hey! How’s it going in here?” He asked me.
“Just got to finish up in the closet, then this room is all good to go.” I told him. He came over and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead.
“Thanks for helping me with this!” He told me.
“Course Silly.” I responded. I playfully pushed him away from me,
“Now let's finish up and go get lunch. I’m starving!”
He laughed as he picked up two boxes I had already packed. “I’m going to finish loading the rest of these boxes up. Meet me downstairs?” He asked.
“Sure thing!” I said as I watched him. He’d been working out lately, it was doing him some good.
Stop staring! I scolded myself.
“He’s my boyfriend! Plus, I wasn’t staring.” I huffed aloud. I pushed the thought away. I went back to the closet and pulled out the boxes he had stuffed in the back corners.

There was a small shoe box that I almost missed. Curious, I opened it. Inside were a few photos of a young woman. She was pale complected with light brown hair. Her eyes were a soft green. There was also an envelope and a small black velvet box. I picked up the envelope. It was addressed to Nate. The return address said it was from a “Julia Sisneros”. I heard Nate coming back up the stairs. I felt panicked. I stuffed the letter into my shirt and through the shoe box into the box I was packing.
“Hey, did I leave my phone in here?” He asked.
“Um…I saw it on the kitchen counter earlier.” I said.
“Are you okay?” He asked me. “You seem flustered?” He added. He came over and felt my face.
“I’m fine!” I said, and batted his hand away. “I’m just tired. Let's go get food.” I said.
“Yeah, we’ll finish this up when we get back.” He agreed. “I’m gonna go find my phone real fast. Will you call me?” He added.
“Yeah!” I said. I got up and got my phone out of my purse. “It’s ringing now.” I said. He left the room to go find it. As soon as I heard his footsteps fade I pulled the envelope out of my shirt and put it into my purse. I would have to wait till later to read it.

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