Chapter 1

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Pinterest is way too cute with these photos


Nami is outside sitting in the castle garden with her long beautiful orange hair blowing as she stared at the tangerines she picked in her basket. Soon Nojiko headed outside and walked towards Nami.

"Morning Nami, can you come with me to help convince Mom to let us into town."

"You know mom won't let us go either way, we're at risk of being attacked all the time."

"Still, we can't become the next heirs if we barely even know what the outside of our castle is."

Nami started thinking over the words her sister has said. "Maybe she's right about heading out, I have nothing to do anyways." She thought

"Where's mom?" Nami asked.

"What?" Nojiko looked confused at her sister wondering what she meant

"Where's mom?" She repeated.


"You want me to help ask to go out right?"

Nojiko smiled and grabbed Nami and starts heading inside the castle, leaving the basket of tangerines.

"Nojiko I can walk on my own!"

Nojiko ignores her and starts opening the door to a room with a large long table used for meetings.

"Morning mom." they both said.

"Good morning girls, need anything?"

Bellemere starts to think of why they're here since a meeting to settle conflicts within the neighboring country of Windmill, hoping a peace between them can be made.

"We were wondering if we could head into town."

"But why?"

The girls were at a loss for words, neither of them had an idea what they'd do if they got permission to go. Suddenly the silence was broken.

"How about you two can go but one condition."

"Really?!" The two girls looked at each other excitedly.

"You can go but you must be back in half an hour to sit at the meeting with me."

Nami looks over to Nojiko who looks a little upset with the condition but still excited to go.

"Alright mom we'll be back, thank you!"

They quickly walk out of the room and start ranting on what they could do once they get into town. Once they got themselves together Nami made her way towards her room to change.

"I'm back!" Nami said as she walked down the stairs in her light yellow dress.

"Alright let's go."

They quickly walk out of the castle gets with big smiles on their faces. Although they never decided on what to do they kept walking.

"I wonder why everyone is cleaning right now, it doesn't seem right."

"Nami you can be so smart yet so stupid, they're getting ready for Windmill Kingdom's arrival."

After playfully slapping Nojiko, a child runs up to Nami looking worried and crying.

"Kid? Is everything ok?" Said Nojiko noticing the child

"M-my brother was t-trying to help get the town ready but.."

The little girl starts hugging Nami who crouched down to the kid's height.

"Shh it's ok." Said Nami

After the kid calms down after Nami brushes through her hair she continues.

"He tried putting up one of the hanging flowers on the sign at the side of the shop but... The sign collapsed on him making everything fall on him like the ladder."

Nami took very quick note of this and quickly asked where he was. The kid then led both Nami and Nojiko to their brother who had his leg stuck under everything.

"Nojiko can you get any medics around to help."

Nojiko quickly nodded and left.

"Alright so just hold your brother for me while I lift everything up ok?"

The girl quickly wiped her tears and did as she was told. Nami started moving the debris off one by one but was too weak to lift some of it.

"Crap." Nami mumbled panicking a bit but hiding it from the children so she doesn't worry them further.

Then a man with dark raven hair and a messed up tie came to help lift up the heavy debris. Nami sat there and stared at the man wondering who he was, until he then got up and started walking away after freeing the child.

"Hey wait!" Nami tried stopping the man but he already disappeared.

Nojiko soon came back with the medics, but Nami had he mind occupied by the mysterious man.


As he let out a loud sigh after leaving he thought to himself "Ace is definitely gonna kill me for running ahead." Soon he lost his trail of thought when his friends caught up.

"I beat you here swirly brows."

"Are you blind moss head? Clearly I beat you here, we had to have Ussop drag you here so you didn't get lost!"

"As the great warrior Ussop that ran through multiple strong enemies along the way, I would've won if I hadn't let you." Everyone but Chopper ignored him

"You're so cool Ussop!"

"This place looks SUUUUPPERRRRR."

"Yohohoho so many pretty women, I wonder if they'll let me see their panties."

Some were still catching up like Dragon, Ace, Sabo, and Jimbe.

-Earlier with Luffy-

"Why do I have to go, I understand if the others do, but why me?"

"Because you're gonna have to learn to do important stuff like this eventually Luffy."

Luffy sits there continuing his whining before dragging himself into his room to get changed into an outfit Sabo helped him pick.

-End of flashback-


After the situation with the children was dealt with, Nojiko and Nami rushed back to the castle to wash up as fast as possible to be ready for the meeting. Nojiko was dressed in a royal blue dress while Nami wore a peach colored dress with little flowers on it. Once ready they both walked down to the entrance of the castle to greet their visitors.

"How many do you think will come?" Nami asked

"No idea, maybe around 7 people."

Once the gates start to open Nami looks in shock and is staring at Luffy realizing that's the man she saw earlier. Nojiko quickly noticed Nami's stare on him and smirked but nudged her to not mess up with the guests.

"Welcome to Cocoyasi Kingdom, follow us to where the meeting shall be held."

Nojiko did most of the talking since Nami was more stiff with others. Soon they entered the meeting room and sat down.

"Shall we start the meeting now?"

-End of this chapter-

Still can't believe I'm writing this lol but anyway I hope you enjoyed it! I'm not really a motivated person but I'll try to continue writing.

Author: NovaTempest2

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