Chapter One: Hunger

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I never wanted to move. I never wanted to be poor. I never wanted to be left hungry. I never wanted some guy to rob my house. I never wanted my dad to think insurance was not worth it. I've always been hungry for control, but the day we had to move to a cheaper house and eat less food, I wished we had insurance. That's the day I became more hungry. My hunger made me angry.

I was in a new school and a bad mood. I found myself snapping. Before I knew it, my hunger was all I knew. It became my personality. One classmate seemed to understand I was hungry. Noelle, the soft, nervous, cute, Christmas-obsessed reindeer girl, gave me a candy cane pencil. It didn't taste like a candy cane, but it helped my hunger. I found myself eating pencils. The principal threatened to suspend me for eating the pencils, so I stopped. I had to be sneaky with my next snack. I started sneaking whatever I could eat. Moss, chalk, erasers, you name it.

One kid was the opposite of Noelle. Kris was a quiet kid, the only human I'd ever seen. One of the teachers adopted them. I hated Kris. I hated how quiet they were, how emotionless they acted, and worst of all, their shampoo. Their shampoo smelled like apples. I really needed an apple for my hunger. Apples became my favorite food because I had to deal with constantly smelling them. I started lashing out at Kris. I found out just how weak they were. Everyone started fearing me, seeing me hit Kris. Sadly, that didn't stop their hair from smelling like apples.

One day, Kris was asleep at their desk and Noelle was helping Ms. Alphys, our teacher, with cleaning. Once they were gone, I picked up an apple from Ms. Alphys's desk. She never eats them anyway. I held it up.

"Hey, idiot," I said. Kris didn't respond. I repeated myself, louder, "Hey idiot!" Still nothing. I hated how stubborn Kris was. "Kris!"

Kris finally looked up at me.

"Nice shampoo," I said. "Apple flavor, right? Better be careful about wearing that around me." I bit the apple in half, including the seeds. Kris didn't even flinch. I was mad. "Keep smelling like apples... you might end up like this." I was hoping for a reaction, but Kris didn't move. I couldn't let my stomach's suffering continue. "Bitten..." I pointed at the apple to show how mutilated it was like I was threatening to do to Kris. "in half!

There was silence...

Until Kris snickered, did they find my pain funny? Was my hunger all a joke? Did they know about how much pain their shampoo gave me? Was that why they never stopped smelling like apples? I was furious. I threw the apple at Kris with all my might. Kris was fast. They picked up their notebook and deflected the apple into the air before catching it and biting it. Kris played a lot of video games, so they had good reflexes. They were taunting me. They were really hurting me, getting me where I was weak, expanding my hunger, then MOCKING ME about it!

"You little..." I ran at Kris and pinned them to the wall. "One day, your mom's gonna get sick of you, you little freak. And as soon as that happens..." I laughed, knowing my words had to be hurting them. Maybe I could finally stop their onslaught of pain. "Someone might make you disappear. And she'll finally realize how happy she was without you."

I had to have struck a nerve...

But Kris said nothing.

All of that, and they didn't even muster a single word...

They were still mocking me, mocking my suffering! I was fuming.

"Say something, you idiot!"

Kris said something, all right. They said something to get Noelle to wear apple-scented shampoo, too! I hated everything about them! That was when two people were adding to my hunger, and one of them was the kindest girl in the school!

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