Chapter 6: I Remember You

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You wake up in the middle night, breathing quickly as your heart beats fast. "These damn nightmares..." You sigh as you rub your face, wiping away your sweat. Occasionally you wake up to the same nightmare, You're chained to a wall as you watch your loved ones be massacred in front of you, stopping you from being able to help them. Usually it's about your parents but this recent one was about Levi, Isabel, and Furlan.

It's been years since they were taken away, a little over 10, but not one day has gone by where you haven't thought of them. Unsure of whether they are alive or dead, you hold on to the hope that they're up on the surface alive and well.

Since their disappearance, you've taken over their gang, leading the other members through different operations. They look up to you as you lead them well, gaining a very good reputation amongst your clients. That morning, you prepare yourself for a new job from a client you've never had before, promising a very good pay if the job is complete. You strap up your gear and head out, meeting the rest of the gang outside of the hideout.

"Hey miss (Y/N), we're ready to beat up some pathetic losers. Just say the word!" One of the members laughs.

"You're not beating anyone up. The job is simple, I'll cause a distraction, knock down the crates, maybe even beat up a couple of guys while you all run over and steal as much as you can." You say while adjusting your gear.

"Aw man, you always get the fun part." They pout.

"You guys made me the leader so it's my decision. Besides, I'm in more danger if anything." You shrug.

Eventually you all make your way to the area where the operation will take place. You climb to the top of a building as you watch all the members take their positions around the street below. After a bit, a wagon with crates pulls up to an abandoned building with four men guarding the area. You stand up, stretching your arms and lightly cracking your neck before stepping off of the building, shooting the hooks of your gear onto another building and flying towards the wagon.

You quickly fly past one of the guys, slicing his cheek with a dagger and continuing off, kicking down the pile of crates so that the bags within them fall out.

"FUCK!" The man yells, holding onto his cheek. You hook yourself off of the building, landing on the ground as dust picks up just below your feet.

"What the hell are you idiots doing?! Get her!" The man yells. The other three men charge towards you but just before they can tackle you to the ground, you shoot yourself upward onto a different building, this leaves an open opportunity for the rest of your members to run in and steal as many bags as they can get.

"NO, WAIT!" The man yells, but it's already too late. Your group has made away with half of their loot. You smirk as you watch them frantically panic from up above.

"You bitch! We'll kill you for this!" One of the men shouts to which you only respond with a laugh.

"Yeah...I'd like to see you try." You taunt. Suddenly, you hear the familiar sound of wires and gas, similar to the sound of your gear. You quickly look behind you, eyes widening as you see those familiar green cloaks from all those years ago coming towards you.

"These fuckers again..." You say under your breath. You quickly run towards the ledge and jump off, hooking on to every other building in rush to escape. They follow closely, nothing like the sad pathetic military police that you easily slip away from. No... These guys are experienced. After all, they managed to take away you friends.

You take sharp turns around corners in order to lose them, but they seem to have mastered maneuvering the gear as they continue to follow closely behind. You look to your left and see a soldier diving at you. They use their blades to slice towards you but you manage to dodge just in time, falling a few feet but quickly hooking on to the next building and speeding away. You dive through the smallest areas, squeezing through narrow alleys, doing anything you can to try to lose them but they happen to find another way around.

Your Wings - Reader X Levi Ackerman Where stories live. Discover now