Chapter Four: First Clue and Confusion

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Lucy, the young and underrated German shepherd on the farm, was known for her keen sense of smell. She could pick up on even the slightest scent, often discovering things that the other animals missed.

One day, as she was sniffing around the perimeter of the farm, she caught a whiff of something strange. It was a scent that was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, buried under the overpowering smell of perfumes.

Lucy followed the scent, her nose leading her across the farm and toward the edge of the nearby forest. She could feel her heart racing as she drew closer, her instincts telling her that something was not right.

As she approached the edge of the forest, the scent grew stronger, more potent. Lucy could feel a sense of unease creeping up on her, but she pushed on, driven by her need to find out what was causing the strange smell.

She entered the forest cautiously, her senses on high alert. The trees were tall and dense, casting deep shadows on the forest floor. Lucy could hear the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds, but she could also sense something else, something darker and more sinister.

As she pushed deeper into the forest, Lucy caught sight of a strange figure in the distance. It was a human, dressed in dark clothes and carrying a small vial of liquid. The scent was coming from the vial, and Lucy could feel a sense of familiarity creeping up on her.

The human noticed Lucy and began to run, disappearing into the dense forest. Lucy gave chase, her powerful legs carrying her through the underbrush and over fallen logs. She could feel her heart racing, the thrill of the hunt driving her forward.

After a few minutes of chasing the human, Lucy emerged into a small clearing. In the center of the clearing was a small hut, barely visible through the thick undergrowth.

The scent was coming from inside the hut, and Lucy could feel a sense of unease creeping up on her once again.

She approached the hut cautiously, her senses on high alert. She could hear the sound of breathing coming from inside, and she could sense that whoever or whatever was inside was dangerous.

With a growl, Lucy burst through the door of the hut, ready to face whatever was inside. What she found, however, was beyond her wildest expectations.

Inside the hut was a laboratory, filled with strange equipment and chemicals. The walls were covered in charts and graphs, and the air was thick with the scent of chemicals and perfumes.

At the center of the laboratory was a human, dressed in a lab coat and holding a small vial of liquid. The scent was coming from the vial, and Lucy could feel a sense of familiarity creeping up on her.

The human spoke, his voice tinged with fear. "Who... who are you? What are you doing here?"

Lucy growled, her eyes fixed on the vial of liquid. "What is that? What have you been doing here?"

The human hesitated, then spoke. "It's a perfume, a new scent that I've been developing. But... there's something else in it. Something... something that's not natural."

Lucy could feel a sense of unease creeping up on her once again. What had this human been doing? What was in the vial of liquid?

She approached the human cautiously, her instincts telling her that he was dangerous. But as she drew closer, she could sense that he was not a threat, that he was simply a human with a curious mind.

With a bark, Lucy turned and left the laboratory, heading back towards the farm. She knew that she had discovered something important, something that could change everything.

The news of another victim of the Red Moon spread like wildfire among the farm animals. This time it was an old hen from the neighboring farm. The fear and panic among the animals on the farm increased, and they became even more cautious about their safety.

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