Epilogue Chapter 1: Journal Reports

216 8 8

: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Journal Page 1

This is a Journal Written By Horikita Kiyotaka. It details several entries recording important events in my children's lives. The entries will begin slightly before my wife's due date. Each Entry will detail 1 day. Writing things out on a page makes it easier to commit things to memory and I want to remember these times well into my old age. If I ever become afflicted with Amnesia or dementia or the like I'm sure these pages will strike accord with me.

Journal Report #15

Suzu is going to give birth in a few days. I'm excited to see the twins. Though I'm concerned there may be birth complications but I understand that the chances of that are negligible. However, the thought of it still lingers in my mind.

Journal Report #18

Suzu is experiencing difficulties. I was told to stay out of the room as they performed a C-Section.  For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.

Journal #19 was left blank and seemed like something had been spilled over it.

Journal Report #20

Suzu is fine. We had twins. 1 Boy and 1 Girl. Suzune decided to name the boy Kazuma. I think I like the name Kaname. They seem to be healthy. I'm hoping that we will be a happy family. I also hope that through them I can learn how to educate children correctly. How to keep them happy and loved and how to encourage them to learn and grow.

Journal Report #27

Kaname seems to be quite a curious child. If I don't keep my eye on her she may touch something she isn't supposed to. Kazuma on the other hand stares out the window most of the time. Seems he'll be more of an outdoorsy person. That is a good thing.

Journal Report #30

I'm currently attempting to manipulate my children into having me as their first word. Babies have an easier time saying words starting with P. So the best way is to try to get them to say Papa and reward them for mouthing anything that starts with a P sound.

Journal Report #37

Kazuma has betrayed me. His first word was Mama. Seems Suzu caught on to my plan and did some of her own manipulations.

Journal Report #40

Kaname said Dada as her first word. It was like none of my manipulations went through to her. Like she did it all on her own.  I'll spoil her for this when she's older.

A new book titled Journal 20

Journal Report #2134

Kaname has shown great talent in Academics. Kazuma has on the other hand shown talent in anything physical. However, the 2 are lacking in each other's strengths. I suppose that is good that they cover for each other's weaknesses.

Journal Report #2259

I've begun training them. I make sure to train them in both Academics and Physicals so they are talented in both areas. However later on I will train them in the area they enjoy most.

Kaname closed the book. She was about 17.

Kaname- I see he's been documenting everything. But it bugs me. Learn things from raising us? Does he just think of us as some kind of test subjects?

Kaname walked over to a trap door and opened it walking down the stairs it unfolded into and out of the Attic.

Suzune called her from across the room.

Suzune: Kaname. Where are you? Come and eat dinner.

Kaname: I'm coming, mother.

Kaname rushes over and sits down a the table.

Kiyotaka: So how are your studies going?

Kaname: Flying colors as ususal.

Kiyotaka: You know. You're getting to an age where you should think about what path to take.

Kaname: You don't understand Dad. Kazuma found Football so it was easy for him. I mean he's playing for Manchester City. But I'm different. I just really like studying. That doesn't make a career path obvious.

Kiyotaka: I know that of course but I'm saying you should think long and hard on it.

Kaname slams her hands on the table.

Suzune: Kaname! Mind your manners!

Kaname: I'm going to my room. You've done nothing but probe me on stuff like this for a whole year.

Suzune: You're not going anywhere, young lady. Apologize to your father!

Suzune stands up about to stop her but Kiyotaka grabs her arm.

Kiyotaka: It's alright. I'll talk to her.

Kiyotaka stands up and walks towards Kaname's room as Suzune sits back down.

Kiyotaka: Kaname. I hope you understand I'm just worried about what you plan to do with your future.

Kaname: I don't know what to do with it.

Kiyotaka- I've made her very capable in practically anything she could want but in the end that has made it very hard for her to choose a path for herself.

Kiyotaka: Kaname. I think you should go visit your Aunt for a while.

Kaname: Huh?!

Kiyotaka: She was in a similar position to you so maybe she can help you...

Kaname opens her door forcefully and storms out into the living room.

Kaname: If you don't want me freeloading here anymore then just say so.

Kiyotaka: That's not what I meant at all.

Suzune: Kaname. That's enough!

Kaname: When have both of you ever even spent 1 week in this house with all four of us?! Dad you're always at that facility and Mother you're always at the law firm. I feel like the only reason you even come home is to cook us food.

Suzune: I...

Suzune looks down saddened when Kiyotaka slaps Kaname.

Kaname: Dad I...

Kaname had never been hit by her father outside of a sparring match and even then it was obvious he was holding back to prevent her getting hurt. This time he held back to only reprimand her.

Kiyotaka: I'm always patient with you and I've never seen you act out like this before so I've never had to resort to this but you've crossed a line.

Kaname: Dad I...

Kiyotaka: Pack your bags. Your aunt will be here in a few days. Until then behave yourself.

Kaname: Fine.

Kaname goes to her room and locks the door.

Suzune: Why did you do that?

Kiyotaka: She's lived in Tokyo her entire life. We barely have any time to go on vacations. I think it's best for her to experience a different place. Since Chiori lives out in the countryside I thought it would be for the best. When she spoke to you like that I made rash punishment.

Kiyotaka sits on the couch. He inspected his hand. It didn't feel good to slap her even if it was to reprimand her. He then wondered how his father could stand watching him being "Reprimanded" for mistakes.


To Be Continued


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