now i wanna sell my house

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the title is stupidly on the nose sorry i laughed though


"Thanks man," Travis shook the hand of the realtor, Taylor following suit and smiling.

Taylor left his side as he wrapped things up, confirming a final meeting in a few days to finalise paperwork. As the man got into his car, Travis turned around.

Taylor was standing with her back to him, facing the house. She had her arms wrapped around her torso, shaking slightly. Travis took a cautious step to her, and heard her sniff. His heart dropped and he swallowed, walking up behind her and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Taylor hastily brought her hands to her face, wiping her eyes and taking a shuddering breath. "Sorry," she spoke thickly, still facing the house. "I didn't realise I would be so..." she shook her head, trailing off.

Travis moved to stand beside her, draping his arm around her shoulder and finally seeing her face, along with the tears. "Sad?" He asked delicately.

Taylor nodded for a moment, and looked at him. After locking eyes for a moment, she scrunched her face up, turning her body into his completely and burying her head into his chest.

"Oh, Taylor," he murmured, rubbing her back and placing kisses on her head.

"It wasn't even my house, I'm sorry I don't know why I'm crying right now," she pulled away and looked up at him. "You are supposed to be the sad one!"

Travis smiled fondly. "I have been the sad one. All day. And you," he leaned down to kiss her briefly, "have been taking care of me. All day."

For a while, actually. They'd had many conversations about this house, although insignificant and not resulting in anything. But a while ago, Travis realised that he didn't need two houses in the same city, and that it was time to let go of the older one. But the realisation that he wouldn't be able to step foot into this house again had set in over the past few days, which left him feeling melancholic. Taylor had of course been by his side the whole time, trying to cheer him up in any way she could.

Taylor breathed in and out deeply. "I just..." she turned around in his arms to look at the house again. "There's so many memories here."

"I know," he breathed, gazing at the front door, the windows, the roof. "You don't have to have lived in a house to be sad about leaving it."

Taylor chewed on her lip. "Yeah. It does feel like I'm leaving it, kind of. But I don't want you to feel like you can't be sad anymore just because I'm suddenly a mess."

"We can both be sad about this, you know."

Taylor faced him once again. She nodded quietly, tears welling up again. "I wish we had more time," she lamented, her voice breaking.

Travis sighed, and looked from Taylor to the house. He frowned in thought, then once again looked at Taylor. The sight of her glassy eyes and the look on her face absolutely broke his heart. "Come on," he blurted.

Taylor frowned in confusion. "Um," she faltered, looking past him at his car waiting in the drive.

"No, this way," he smiled, taking hold of her hand and guiding her towards the house.

"Travis," Taylor gaped, "We can't go in there anymore. You handed over the keys!"

But, to Taylor's surprise, he didn't take them to the front door. Instead, she trailed him to the gate beside the house.

Travis held her shoulders, standing in front of her. He opened his mouth to speak, but paused briefly, thinking of how to word this. "Okay, technically we can't do this. But," he glanced around, "It's fine if we don't get caught," he shrugged.

Taylor raised her eyebrows and sniffed. "Do what?"

He flicked his gaze to the gate behind him. "Sneak into the backyard."

"What?" Taylor laughed.

Travis grinned and turned around, putting in the code to open the padlock. A smile crept onto Taylor's face as the gate swung open and they both scrambled down the pathway leading down the side of the house.

"Look!" Travis called out as they approached the grass. Taylor snapped her head up from looking where she was walking, and gasped as she saw the sky. The sun was beginning to set. They slowed down and both stared up.

"It's gorgeous," she marvelled, in awe of how beautiful it was.

"Good timing, huh," Travis raised his eyebrows.

Taylor chuckled and met his eyes, "Very well executed."

They made their way up to the deck, where some loungers were left for the next owners. They sat down separately, chatting for a short while about nothing and everything, until Taylor shivered and crept onto Travis' chair. He shuffled over to make room for her, and she very quickly got comfortable curled up beside him.

A quiet had enveloped them for a while, before Taylor suddenly snickered.

"What?" Travis asked, his smile audible.

"I can't believe we broke into this house as soon as you sell it," Taylor giggled.

"It's not really breaking in," Travis smirked.

Taylor propped herself up on her elbow, "This has to count as breaking in," she grinned.

"No one lives here yet!" He exclaimed and Taylor burst into laughter.

"Still," Taylor said, letting herself down to snuggle with him again.

"You said you wanted more time," Travis traced swirls on her shoulder with his fingertips.

Taylor frowned, thinking, then inhaled and blinked, speechless.

"Is that why you brought me here?" She asked after a while.

"Mhm," Travis nodded.

Taylor lifted herself up again, and locked eyes with Travis. They smiled at the same time, both sets of eyes twinkling with adoration. She leaned in slowly to kiss him, gentle and lovingly.

"Thank you so much," Taylor whispered, pulling away.

"Of course," Travis hummed, his hand drifting up and down her back.

Taylor settled back down once again. "I'll miss this place," she spoke into the sky, watching as the oranges and pinks of the sunset blended together.

"Me too. But Tay, the house doesn't hold the memories. We do."

Taylor immediately teared up at his words. She glided her arm along his chest so she was almost hugging up, draping herself across his body more.

"I hope I never have to miss you," she spoke.

Travis' breath caught in his throat. "You won't. I promise."

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