Epilogue Chapter 2: Kaname

202 8 9

: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kaname woke up on the day she would visit her Aunt. She sat at the table and things were obviously awkward between the family.

Kaname saw a car pull up to the house and the family walked down together.

Chiori stepped out of the car and rushed to them hugging each of them individually.

Chiori: It's been a while Kiyo-pon. Ha ha.

Kiyotaka: I wish Haruka hadn't taught you that nickname.

Chiori: Too bad for you. Suzune. it's good to see you.

Suzune still looked sad but smiled.

Suzune: Yes. It's good to see you as well Chiori.

Chiroi then turned to Kaname and grabbed her ear.

Chiroi: And I hear you've been causing quite a bit of trouble.

Chiori lets go as Kaname holds her ear in pain.

Kaname: Aunty...

Chiori: Now say goodbye. You won't see them for a while.

Kaname attempts to just get into the car but Chiori blocks her.

Chiori: First say goodbye. Trust me. You'll regret it otherwise.

Kaname turns around.

Kaname: Goodbye.

Kiyotaka: Kaname. Behave while you're there.

Kiyotaka walks over to her.

Kiyotaka: But most of all. Try to find some happiness over there. I love you.

Suzune walks up to her.

Suzune: I realize I haven't been home very often but I tried to be home every day even if it was just so I could cook something for the 2 of you. Ever since your brother moved to England I just...

Suzune tears up a little. Kaname feels immense guilt.

Kaname: Mother I'm...I'm sorry.

Suzune: I love you Kaname. I really do.

Kaname: I love you too. I'm so sorry.

Kiyotaka: It's time to go. You've spent so much time in this house you've become blind to the world and what it can offer you as to what you want.

Kaname gets in the car. Chiori exits the driveway and begins to drive toward the countryside.

Kaname: Haru isn't here?

Chiori: Haru moved to Shibuya last month. He's begun to live his own life.

Kaname: Aunty Chiori. Are you alright living by yourself? I mean ever since Uncle...

Chiori: I'm fine. Haru does visit me every month. He calls me once every few or so days as well.

Kaname: You know this car can autopilot right?

Chiori: I prefer to do it myself.

Kaname: I made a horrible mistake.

Chiori: I know it seems like they won't forgive you but they already have. They're only sending you with me because they think it'll help you.

Kaname: How could I say those things... I...

Chiori: Your emotions are all pent up. You're throwing them into the wrong place.

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