Finally School has come to an end

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The room was quiet except for some occasional chattering and the light tapping of the teacher's shoes on the spotless porcelain tiles as she walked around to check on how her students were doing.

'So today Benji, we will be continuing the creative writing we started last lesson and as I said, you can write about anything, magic, fantasy, horror etcetera' Mrs. Garcia explained. She was a lightly tanned Latina with long brown locks which she always put in a neat bun. She always looked and smelt good, and her face features were soft, so was her voice and personality. she was his favourite teacher and Benji really liked English, so it worked well for him. The idea of using just words to describe a whole new world other than the dystopian one he lived in astonished him ever since childhood. The first moment he picked up the cat in the hat book he had a sudden attraction towards literature, and he hoped that when he got out of school, he had be able to publish his own books. 'This is a double period, and the time is...' She paused to check her watch. 'Nine: forty-seven which means you have an hour and thirteen minutes to finish the introduction to your story'

She whipped around to go then paused as if she just remembered something. She came back, the sound of her ebony black heels clacking increasingly loud against the room's tiles, signalling how close she was becoming.

'If you don't mind me asking Mr. Valentin, how come you were late to this lesson?' she asked, subconsciously leaning on one leg and placing both her hands on her hips, her eyebrows cocking up in expectance.

Benji shrugged as he responded.

'Dunno I was a little sick, so I stayed in the toilets for a while.' He didn't really have a reason to lie since he knew Mrs. Garcia would have understood but lying was part of his nature and he couldn't keep that restricted. Not that he even tried to.

Mrs. Soyinka pursed her lips as if amused by how obvious Benji's lie was.

'I can tell that was not the case.' She said simply but rushed to add on to her sentence as she watched Benji stiffen.

'However, I'm not going to push it but please DO NOT make it a habit of coming to my lessons late, I know you aspire to become an author but that can't happen if you keep coming late.' She advised, finally going away to attend to the other students.

He had been writing about fairies and before you call him childish, they weren't the little sparkly transparent-winged bubbly and harmless creatures that humans tended to print onto the minds of children, this were blood thirsty, sharp huge fanged, shapeshifting monsters with huge feathers sprouting right out from their shoulder blades. Benji took her word to heart and turned to his book, wracking his brain over what to add and how to add it when suddenly to the left of him, there came a noise of a chair screeching.

A beautiful blonde-haired girl scootched up closer to where he was sat, her sea blue eyes analysing me before she finally spoke up.

'whatcha doing?' she asked as she tried to look over Benji's shoulder so she could peek at his writing which Benji was avoiding her from doing.

'Hi Deb.' Benji muttered half-heartedly.

The female blonde responded with a hi back and proceeded to question him more on what he was doing in which he responded with way less energy.

Honestly speaking he wanted to tell her to go suck dick or something because she was making his concentration level drop each second, so with all the courage he had, he turned to look at her and he spoke up with all the possible respect he could muster.

'Look Deb um, I'm trying to pay attention right now but you're not really helping matters.' He said, making sure to give her a little smile at the end.

(Thymos) Fate Boundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن