Chapter 4

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*By the way, everyone, Anna is 17 years old.

Anna's POV:

That dream brought back all those memories from 10 years ago. At that time, I was the illegitimate child of the Girikanan family. Apparently, my mother was a maid who used to work in the mansion. She wasn't the nicest of people - she was a sly woman always looking out for her own benefits. One night, she drugged my father, Valentin Girikanan, and had a one-night stand with him. My father thought she was his wife, Irene, and he was completely out of his mind at that moment. When Irene walked in on them, she thought her husband was having an affair and when she found out the woman was pregnant, she was furious. Since the child was of the Girikanan bloodline, they decided the woman would give birth to me, Anna, and then be imprisoned. That's how I became the illegitimate daughter of the Girikanan family. My father and my brother, Bernard, were super nice to me, and I loved them to bits. However, my stepmother hated me and always found new ways to torture me when my father wasn't around. She introduced me to the game of soccer and taught me that I must win at all costs or face punishment. She would often experiment on my mind and body to make me the toughest player. I wasn't the only one - there were other kids there too.

At that time, I was only a mere 7 years old. As a young child, I didn't fully understand the extent of the experiments she was subjecting us to. All I knew was that it was painful and exhausting. Despite the hardships, I tried to stay strong for the other kids who were going through the same challenges. It was a confusing and frightening time for all of us, but we found solace in each other's company. Amidst all that was happening, I really pitied Froy. My father got really busy, and his mother was practically invisible to him. Bernard was busy helping father in the company. Father wanted Orion as a way for the world to be connected through soccer, but he didn't know what that woman was planning. I couldn't tell anyone, or else... But in my free time, I enjoyed spending time with Froy I wanted to give him the love I couldn't have.

 One night, I overheard Bernard talking to our stepmother.

Bernard: "Mama, can't you stop torturing Anna like this? She's just a child."

Irena: "Bernard, what's gotten into you? You know my plan, and that child is the only one with the potential for what I have in mind."

Just as Bernard was about to argue, she slapped him. In that moment, I realized I had to do what she said or risk harm to the people I loved.

I adored my big brother. He tried his best to protect me, but she was too powerful.

At night, he would come to me, bring snacks, talk, and tend to my wounds from practice.

then Father got into a tragic accident and lost his life. Later, Irena took full control of our lives. I was 12, and all I could do was obey her orders. I noticed I wasn't feeling pain anymore, my senses were dead now.

it seems that Mr.Ray found out about Irena's doing and he was kind enough to offer to adopt in exchange for a contract that Irena always wanted from him and Mr.Ray was an amazing father figure. He always made me happy and reminded me of my real father. He treated me like his own daughter, and I felt safe and loved.

and that's my life took this turn around and I am glad that it did.

The thought of Japan qualifying and us flying to Russia terrifies me.


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed Anna's backstory. I have some sad news to share - due to exams, I may not be able to update for the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck!😊

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