Chapter Four

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The debrief afterwards was short because everyone was frustrated and tired. They hadn't learned anything useful and Jones had made no headway into Stiles' pants. The guy barely even knew he existed!

The only person who seemed ok with tonight's events was Danny, he had sex hair and more hickeys than Jones thought possible.

His smile came crashing down when Marshall lost his temper screaming, "You need to make more of a fucking effort Jones or we'll never get that gang off the streets."

All of the good will and smug satisfaction Danny had been oozing disappeared in an instant, eyes blazing as he asked, "What?"

Shame faced, Marshall explained, "We were going to tell you but you seemed so freaked out by just coffee that we didn't want to worry you."

For the first time since meeting him Jones felt like he was looking at a stranger. Danny's happy smile and bright eyes had darkened to fury and the switch was disconcerting.

"Tell me what Marshall?"

Marshall took a breath, surprised probably by the ferocity of Danny's glare, "We think Stiles is the head of New York's largest and now only criminal organization. He killed off the other families and gangs and is running the city by himself. We've been trying to infiltrate his gang for months now, you're the first lead we've had."

Danny's face turned to ash, his fingers clutching his stomach tightly as he fought for breath. "You're investigating the pack. You want me to betray them. I have betrayed them!"

He was screaming at them, his voice bouncing off the vans metal walls. Martinez tried to step in between him and Marshall, placing her hands on his arms in comfort, but he shrugged her off. "Don't fucking touch me! You have no idea what I've done, what they'll do to me."

In a calm tone Martinez tried to dissolve the tension, "They're monster's Danny." The younger man visibly flinched at her words, but Martinez didn't seem to notice, continuing, "They're not the people you went to school with, not anymore Danny. They've killed countless people, done despicable things, they are not your friends. You work for the FBI, it's your job to put bad people away, that's all we're doing."

Danny's lips tightened but he didn't disagree with her, he seemed to be working something out in his head. He muttered the word 'monster' over and over again under his breath, just loud enough for Jones to hear. After several moments of silence he nodded his head as if agreeing something within himself and then told them, "Isaac invited me to a picnic tomorrow at noon, you should come Jones, Stiles will be there."

Martinez and Marshall smiled brightly, but Jones could still see that darkness in Danny's eyes, it made him worry. He shrugged it off though as they made plans for tomorrow. Danny still radiated tension, but Jones attributed it to shock and worry. He was probably freaking out about what Stiles would do to him if he found out he betrayed them.

Once plans were made, Danny informed them, "This is it, I'm not doing anything else, I'm not a field agent and I don't want to be involved in any of this. I'm going home."

The finality in his tone was at odds with his usual demeanour, but Jones pushed down the niggling doubt in the back of his mind.

When they were tramping out of the van together he could have sworn he saw Isaac standing on the corner watching them. He dismissed it as his imagination, but that tingle of worry increased when Danny walked in that direction. He told himself it didn't matter. Isaac was too submissive to be high within the gang's structure, he wouldn't know anything. Besides, Danny should get laid while he could. Isaac would probably spend the rest of his life behind bars along with the rest of Stiles' gang. He waved goodbye to the others and tried to ignore the bad feeling in his gut.

Tomorrow would be better.

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