Jin's arrival...

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Part 4:

Jin paced back and forth at the airport, his eyes fixed on the arrivals board. Three hours had passed . He was fuming.

Finally, Jungkook emerged from the gate, his expression nonchalant. Jin's anger boiled over.

"Where have you been?" Jin demanded, his voice low and menacing. "I've been waiting for three hours!"

Jungkook shrugged, his eyes devoid of apology. "Sorry, Jin. I had things to attend to. You're not my priority, remember? You're just a responsibility for the next six months."

Jin's face reddened with anger, but Jungkook continued, unfazed.

"Don't get too comfortable, Jin. You're not staying forever. Once our six months are up, you're gone. So, don't bother getting too attached."

Jin's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in frustration. He knew he had to keep his cool, but Jungkook's words stung.

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