Epilogue Chapter 3: Family Gathering

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: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Kaname returned to Kiyotaka and Suzune.

Kaname bows deeply.

Kaname: I am truly sorry for everything!

Suzune: It's okay. It seems you're feeling much better.

Kaname: I've decided.

Kiyotaka: I see. What have you decided on?

Kaname: Astrophysicist.

Suzune: I see. I'm glad you've found a path.

Kiyotaka: Seems like we'll be learning a lot more about the universe in a few years.

Kaname: You bet!

Chiori: So our little family get together. Who's here?

Kiyotaka: You're the first to get here. We're going to be welcoming Manabu, Akane and Makoto soon.

Chiori: Haru called me earlier. He said he was on his way.

Kiyotaka: I told him to stay with his mother but he didn't listen.

Chiori: You worry about me too much Kiyo-pon.

Kaname sniggers at the nickname and Kiyotaka smiles at this. Kaname walks over to Kiyotaka.

Kaname: I found your journals in the attic. you said you hoped to learn how to raise children. Dad, do you see us as test subjects or your children?

Suzune: Kaname!

Kiyotaka: I see you as my children. Of course, I wanted to learn how to raise children from raising you but I raised you because I love you. Not for some experiments.

Kaname hugs Kiyotaka who holds her in his arms as Suzune smiles.

Suzune: Let's head inside while we wait.

Suzune stopped Kaname though.

Suzune: Wait a minute. I want to talk to you.

Kaname sits down and Suzune sits down next to her.

Suzune: I know your father is a very stoic man. He doesn't hold many people close to his heart but the ones that he does he holds closer than anyone else.

Kaname: I rarely see him smile.

Suzune: When we went to school together I went at least 3 months without seeing him smile once.

Kaname: 3 months!?

Suzune: Your father had his circumstances but he still managed to fall in love. When you were born the nurse gave you to him. He held up up as you smiled at him. When you did he cried.

Kaname: He cried!? I've never seen Dad cry.

Suzune: No doubt he was glad you didn't have to go through the same thing as him.

Kaname: Right the White Room.

Suzune: So you know about it.

Kaname: I did a little research a few months back.

Suzune: Your father is reserved but loves you deeply.

Kaname: I know.

They both head inside but not much later the doorbell rang. Suzune opened the door to find her brother, Tachibana and a young boy with purple hair and glasses standing at the door.

Manabu: Suzune.

Suzune: Welcome Brother.

Suzune let them in as they all sat down.

Manabu: Where are Kazuma and Haru?

Suzune: Haru is on the way and Kazuma's flight got delayed so he should arrive at the airport in 3 hours.

Kaname: Uncle Manabu.

Manabu: Oh Kaname. It's good to see you.

Kiyotaka- Manabu tends to spoil Kaname too much. I already spoil her after all.

Kaname hugged Manabu.

Tachibana: How have things been going around the house?

Suzune: Well there have been 1 or 2 disputes but otherwise fine.

Tachibana: That's good.

Suzune: Well I have to get ready to go and get Kazuma.

Suzune goes to get ready.

Manabu: How have things been for you Kiyotaka?

Kiyotaka: Things have been fine.

Manabu: I see. So that incident with that man hasn't shaken you one bit.

Kiyotaka: Not at all.

The doorbell rings. Kiyotaka opens it to find Manabu and Suzune's parents. He welcomes them in. Suzune has finished changing and greets her parents before she rushes out the door.


Suzune POV

Suzune was waiting at the airport when Kazuma arrived and gave her a hug.

Kazuma: I've missed you a lot, Mom. It's as I thought. You're the only woman I can trust.

Suzune: I told you to not date her.

Kazuma: Yeah. She was so cruel to me.

Suzune: I keep telling you not to hook up with women you meet in bars. Honestly, you let your fame go to your head and now look at you. You can't even find a good woman to be your wife.

Kazuma: You're being so cruel, Mom.

Suzune: It's the only way to learn.

Kazuma: You know studies have shown that children tend to gravitate to partners that are similar to their parents...

Suzune: Huh? What are you trying to say exactly?

Suzune looked at him darkly.

Kazuma: Oh nothing. Just a fun fact kind of thing you know...

Kazuma is sweating a lot.

Suzune: Let's go. Everyone is waiting.

Kazuma: Yeah.


Suzune returns to see Haru there are well. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Kiyotaka- In the end, nothing else really matters to me. In this world, my family is everything to me. I will protect it no matter what.


The End


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