The eye

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The eye

The sound of the alarm suddenly stop, a groan could be heard coming from underneath the flowery covers. "Yeah,yeah I'm awake !" Rises the figure from the bed, the sounds of footsteps disappearing down the hallway.

Penny's Friday morning routine consists of waking up on less than ideal amount of sleep,blearily brushing her teeth and hair ,wearing the first thing she gets her hands on and wasting the day away.

"F**king finally, Friday is here!!" She exclaimed loudly to no one in particular.Coffee in hand, she looks at the thing that has been infesting her kitchen ,and by thing she means the ginormous winged eyeball staring down at her at the moment, after the freak out session she had when it first appeared few weeks earlier she was absolutely too emotionally drained to give a f**k.

"....."it continued staring "Good morning ,Lou ."
"....." she took a long sip "Rude."*sigh*"I don't even know why I bother anymore." She backed away slowly as its gaze kept following her "I can't believe that this is my life now...I'm too tired for this shit,I'll just watch 'the real housewives of Salem' instead." She muttered lowly under her breath as she stalked away, she definitely won't ruin another lovely Friday morning with this again.

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