The Whispering Darkness

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The whisper seemed to come from all directions, echoing off the walls and ceiling. Emily's heart raced as she frantically felt for her flashlight, but it was dead. The darkness was absolute, and she was trapped.

"Guys, where are you?" she called out, her voice shaking.

"Emily, I'm here!" Matt replied, his voice distant. "I think we need to get out of here, now!"

But as they tried to move, they realized they were lost. The room seemed to have shifted, and the doors were gone.

"Sarah, Jake, where are you?" Emily cried, panic setting in.

"We're over here!" Sarah replied, her voice faint. "But we can't find a way out!"

Suddenly, the whispering grew louder, more urgent. Emily felt a presence closing in around her, and she knew they had to act fast.

"Matt, we need to find that box!" she shouted. "It's the key to getting out of here!"

But as they stumbled through the darkness, the whispering grew more menacing, the words becoming clear:

"You shouldn't have come'll never'll never escape..."

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