Chapter 22

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The tension in the room was palpable, like a storm brewing on the horizon, ready to unleash its fury at any moment. My mother's words cut through the air like daggers, each one laced with venom and resentment. I stood there, silently accepting her onslaught, not wanting to create a scene in front of my wife and her parents.

My mother's temper had reached its peak, her voice rising in anger as she unleashed years of pent-up frustration and disappointment.

It was clear that my very presence, both in childhood and now as an adult, was a source of shame and disgrace for her. Her words stung, but I remained composed, refusing to let her aggression affect me outwardly.

Dad, ever the peacemaker, tried to intervene, his attempts to calm her down falling on deaf ears. Her emotions were too raw, too intense to be swayed by mere words.

The divide between us seemed insurmountable, a deep-rooted rift fueled by years of misunderstandings and unspoken grievances.

As I stood there, a silent witness to the chaos unfolding, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation. This was not the first time I had faced my mother's wrath, and it likely wouldn't be the last.

But I had made a choice to prioritise peace and harmony, especially in front of my new family.

"You are disgrace, Jungkook"

As I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, I couldn't ignore the fear and apprehension in my wife's eyes, a direct result of my mother's wrathful outburst. Her trembling form served as a stark reminder of the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Walking over to my in-laws, I could see the same expressions mirrored on their faces – surprise, concern, and perhaps a hint of confusion. They had not expected such a dramatic display during what was supposed to be a joyous occasion.

With a heavy heart, I knelt before them, a gesture of humility and sincerity. "I apologise for the inconvenience and the disturbance caused," I began, my voice tinged with regret.

"But please understand that what we did was important for your beloved daughter. It was a decision made with her well-being and happiness in mind."

Before I could continue, Mr. Chen, my father-in-law, interjected with a tone that dripped with sarcasm and disdain. "Oh, how noble of you to think of her well-being," he remarked, his words laced with bitterness.

"Forgive me if I find it hard to believe that your actions were purely altruistic."

His scepticism cut deep, but I maintained my composure, refusing to let his words rattle me. "I understand your doubts, Mr. Chen," I replied evenly, meeting his gaze head-on. "But I assure you, everything we've done has been with the utmost sincerity and consideration for your daughter. I hope in time, you'll come to see that."

As I stood before my in-laws, the weight of responsibility and determination settled upon my shoulders like a heavy cloak. I knew that from that moment on, their daughter was not just my wife but a crucial part of my life, intertwined with my every decision and action.

With a deep breath, I addressed them, my voice carrying the weight of conviction and determination. "I promise you," I began, my words measured and deliberate, "that I will take care of your daughter as my own. Her safety, happiness, and well-being are my utmost priorities."

My wife's parents exchanged hesitant glances, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. They were still reeling from the shock of the groom exchange and the ensuing chaos. But I was determined to make them understand the gravity of the situation.

In a voice that brooked no argument, I continued, "After what we have done by replacing the groom, she is not safe out there.

The decisions we made were not taken lightly, and I assure you, they were made to protect her from potential harm."

My father-in-law, Mr. Chen, frowned deeply, his scepticism evident in his expression. "And how do we know that she will be safe with you?" he challenged, his tone laced with suspicion.

I met his gaze unwaveringly. "Because I give you my word," I replied firmly. "I will do everything in my power to ensure her safety and happiness. You have my solemn vow on that."

The air in the room crackled with tension, each word spoken carrying the weight of unspoken emotions and unspoken agreements. But as I stood there, facing my in-laws with determination and sincerity, I knew that I had made a promise that I would not break, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

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