Chapter 7: Brother..?

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A sudden explosion shakes the ground, waking both Mei and Lynara. People run around in panic, trying to figure out what is happening, preparing for a fight. The area of the base is covered in smoke and explosion marks, being filled with new ones with new explosions. Thankfully, none had hit the base itself yet, but there were some that made a close call with the walls, slowly tearing them down. Looking up, Mei sees several aircraft dropping bombs, bombarding them non-stop. Her first instinct is to get a gun and open fire, scaring off any helicopters or drones in her way, managing to take down a few drones. Lynara and the rest of the base members join in to fight back. Double checking their opponents, they were the same group of black vehicles that attacked them continuously before, now here attacking them. The familiar weapons of EMP projectiles, rockets, and bombs fill the base as even more reinforcements come to assist the sudden attack. There were too many for the base to handle, so many retreat to the emergency saferooms, hoping the attack will end soon. The base's integrity was getting dire, slowly getting closer to collapsing. As the chaos continues, extra explosions can be heard, and it wasn't explosion from bombs. Rather, explosions from drones and other aerial vehicles, being destroyed one by one. The air is now filled with military jets, shooting down every enemy aircraft they see without mercy. Everybody watches as they see fireworks of bullets and explosions in the air, each of them either dropping on the ground or flying away to escape, only to then be shot down as well. As the war in the sky continued, several black vehicles pulled up at the entrance of the base, barging in with their guns out, but they were greeted with bullets sprayed at them. Slowly, they pushed the intruders out of the entrance. For the first time, Mei sees Aura fighting. Although Aura isn't aiming to kill anybody, she strikes people with a shovel, getting them away from her out of self-defense. Although, became too confident and was grabbed by the arm from behind, then pulled into a vehicle, getting herself kidnapped. "Mei! It's Aura! Look!" In horror and anger, Mei jumps into one of the black cars left behind by the intruders, getting ready to chase them. Unexpectedly, Lynara also enters to join Mei. Without giving a second thought, Mei floors the gas, beginning her chase to get Aura back.

"Get back here, you kidnappers!" Lynara keeps shouting aggressively while shooting at the enemies in front of them while Mei tries to get them closer. From the back, Mei can see the car where Aura is kept with Aura is visibly struggling against someone in the back seat. "Aim for their wheels!" "I'm trying, but the road isn't making it any easier here!" Lynara struggles to get her shots straight while driving on a dirt road, Mei slowly getting closer to them. "Mei! Get this car into the grass!" "Won't that make things worse?!" "Just do it!" "Whatever you say, but your plan better work!" Mei turns to the side into the grass, but the tall grass slows them down by a little bit, but just enough to not let them go any faster. Although, it gives Lynara a better angle, since she was able to take a shot at the driver of the car with Aura in it, and a wheel, causing it to spin out, making other cars crash into it, stopping the entire group. Mei pulls up right behind them, both her and Lynara getting out with their weapons ready and aimed. Aura kicks open the door and makes a dash for Mei, but Mei and Lynara watch in horror as someone grabs her by her collar, pinning her to the side of a car, then stabbing her in the stomach with a knife. With no mercy both Mei and Lynara opens fire, taking out anybody near them. After they think all threats are dealt with, they both kneel to check on Aura, who was in desperate need of help. Mei took out a towel she kept with her and helped stop the bleeding from getting worse, relieved that Aura is now in a more stable condition. However, behind them was a person who was still alive, but they didn't know it. Raising a gun pointed at them, getting ready to fire, but he was quickly stopped as a gunshot could be heard, and he fell flat. Startled, Mei and Lynara looked back with their guns pointed, seeing a few cars behind them, but not the black cars they were opposed with. Standing in front of them was a familiar individual with his gun out, but he slowly lowered his aim. Mei and Lynara were almost in tears, not believing their eyes for who was right in front of them. "E-Ezar..? Is that... Really you..?"

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